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The impact of polyelectrolyte's dose on rheological characteristic of sewage sludge
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Przedstawiono badania dotyczące charakterystyk reologicznych osadów przefermentowanych kondycjonowanych polielektrolitami: Praestol 630 BC, Zetag 92 i Renfloc 28486. Na podstawie testu CSK dobrano optymalne dawki polielektrolitów, dla których wykonano badania reologiczne. Próbki kondycjonowanych osadów poddawano w reometrze prędkościom ścinania w zakresie 0 - 2000 s-1 w ciągu 120 s i mierzono odpowiadające im naprężenia styczne. Badania wykazały, że niepreparowany osad przefermentowany posiada najmniejszą granicę płynięcia. Wartość granicy płynięcia osadów kondycjonowanych polielektrolitami Praestol 630 BC i Renfloc 28468 wzrasta ze wzrostem pierwszych trzech dawek, a dla dawki 4,5 obniża się. Natomiast dla Zetagu 92 wraz ze wzrostem dawki wzrasta granica płynięcia.
Application of rheology in water and sludge treatment is connected with the flow character of sludge that is left when sewage is cleaned mainly in sedimentation and coagulation process at the wastewater treatment plant. The viscosity of sewage sludge is not a constant value in defined condition of pressure and temperature but it also depends on a shear rate. The practical usability of rheological experiment results from not only the relationship between sludge structure and rheological features but also technological characteristic of sludge treatment. Sewage sludge is a multiphase and polydispersial unit where sludge water forms continuous phase but solids and sometimes gas bubbles form disperse phase. The ratio of solid phase to liquid one dependson sludge hydration. The removal of water content from sewage sludge is one of the most important action that leads to decrease of sludge volume. The process of sludge conditioning has impact on sludge structure and its properties and also allows for more effective water removal. The change of sludge structure may cause a considerable weakening of bonding power between water and solids and it will cause easier water removal during mechanical dewatering. Proper choice of polyelectrolyte increases the purity of eluate and decreases the sludge hydration. However, besides the quality of polyelectrolyte the very important factor that has an effect on sludge dewatering is the right selection of polyelectrolyte's dose. The choice of poly-electrolyte's dose should be made on the basis of experimental measurements conducted in the wastewater treatment plant. The bad selection of polyelectrolyte's dose may cause increased operating costs or get worse efficiency of sludge dewatering. The rheological tests were carried out to optimise the process of sludge conditioning in operating mode. The paper presents the rheological characteristic of digested sludge with following poly-electrolytes: Praestol 630BC, Zetag 92 and Renfloc 28486. On the CST the optimal dose of polyelectrolyte was selected. The samples of sludge were analysed in Rheometer RC20 in the constant temperature 20°C with shear rate of O-2000 s-1 during 120 seconds. The properties of digested sludge were as following: pH = 7.35; dry solids 20 g/dm3; organic matter 67.8%; mineral matter 32.2%; hydration 98%; CST 1803 s; zeta potential -24,4 mV. The results showed that thanks to addition of polyelectrolyte a compact solid cluster was created. In the case of Praestol 630 BC and Zetag 92 the process of coagulation proceeded much better in comparison with Renfloc 28486 because the boundary surface between solid and liquid phase was reduced. The increase of polyelectrolyte's dose causes the increase of flocculating sludge particle size in all cases. The rheological experiments showed the impact of shear stress on floes in process of conditioning. Digested sludge without addition of polyelectrolyte had the lowest yield point. The yield point value increases for sludge with Praestol 630 BC and Renfloc 28468 for the first three polyelectrolyte's doses but at 4.5 mg/dm3 dose it decreases. The increase of polyelectrolyte's dose causes the increase of yield point for Zetag 92. The rheology of sewage sludge can be applied as an additional control parameter for optimising of chemical conditioning. The value of polyelectrolyte's dose prior to good dewatering can be read from rheological curves.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., rys., tab.
- Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Brzeźnicka 60a
- Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Brzeźnicka 60a
- Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Brzeźnicka 60a
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