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Plasmachemical conversion of hydrocarbons by atmospheric pressure microwave discharge
Efektywność energetyczna 2009 : Kraków, 21-23 września 2009 : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna
Języki publikacji
Plasmachemical technologies are an alternative to classical processes of thermal and catalytic-thermal conversion of hydrocarbons. In recent years, many effective versions of constructions of microwave plasma sources have been developed, in particular, microwave coaxial plasma sources (microwave torches). A distinctive feature of this type of sources is effective gas heating and rapid cooling (quenching). The microwave oscillator power was <= 1 kW at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. The present study was carried out to determine the methane conversion efficiency of the above microwave torch. The working gas was a mixture of argon with methane. The experiments have shown that conversion proceeds preferably through two paths, namely, the pyrolysis (production of C and H2) and the production of unsaturated hydrocarbons, mostly, acetylene C2H2. It was found that, as the methane content increases, the conversion decreases slowly, with the result that conversion cost also decreases. Theoretical calculations of the methane conversion were carried. The calculated curves agree satisfactorily with the measured ones. Consequently, for the methane conversion the results are described adequately in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium heating followed by rapid quenching of the end products. The energy cost of the methane pyrolysis is as low as several eV/molec, which is close to the theoretically in comparison with other air-pressure reactors.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., rys., wykr.
- Institut Obsej Fiziki im. A. M. Prohorova RAN, Moskva, Rossia
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