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Promocja doktora honoris causa Adama Chrzanowskiego

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[Adam Chrzanowski doctor honoris causa promotion]
Języki publikacji
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Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 227 poz., fot.
  • Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków
  • Wydział Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej
  • Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków
  • Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków
  • Monografie
  • 1. Chrzanowski A. (1999): “Engineering, Mining Surveys”. Chapter 16 in: Mapping a Northern Land, the Survey of Canada 1947–1994, eds. McGrath G., Sebert L., McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, pp. 491–527
  • 2. Chrzanowski A., Secord J.M. (1999): “Tilt Measurement”. Chapter 15 in: The Measurement, Instrumentation, Sensors Handbook, ed. John Webster, CRC Press, pp. 15/1–15/11
  • 3. Chrzanowski A. (1993): “Modern Surveying Techniques for Mining, Civil Engineering”. Chapter 33 in: Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, vol. 3, pp. 773–809
  • 4. Chrzanowski A., Avella S., Chen Y.Q., Secord J. (1992): “Existing Resources, Standards, Procedures for Precise Monitoring, Analysis of Sructural Deformations” (2 volumes). Prepared for, published by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Topographic Engineering Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Report No. TEC-0025
  • 5. Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Interdisciplinary Approach to Deformation Monitoring, Analysis”. Published in: Presented Papers of the Working Group Sessions, International Union of Surveying, Mapping, Washington, D.C., August 8–12, pp. 9–19
  • 6. Bawden W., Chrzanowski A., Barron K., Cain P. (1990): “Subsidence”. Chapter 3.4 in: Mine Monitoring Manual (ed. by Franklin J.), special volume 42, The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, pp. 70–75
  • 7. Franklin J., Chrzanowski A. (1990): “Rock Movements”. Ibid., Chapter 4.5, pp. 109–117
  • 8. Chrzanowski A. (1987): Selected papers in Engineering Surveys (monograph in Chinese). China Institute of Mining, Technology, Xuzhou, P.R. China
  • 9. Chrzanowski A. (1985): Selected Topics in Geodetic, Engineering Surveys (in Chinese). Wuhan Technical University of Surveying, Mapping, 308 p.
  • 10. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Secord J.M. (1983): “Analysis of the simulated monitoring network using the Fredericton approach”. In: Welsch W. (ed.), Deformationsanalysen ‘83, Hohschule der Bundeswehr München, Schriftenreihe, Heft 9, pp. 95–117
  • 11. Blachut T., Chrzanowski A., Saastamoinen J. (1980): Cartografia y Leventamientos Urbanos. Direccion General de Geografia del Territorio Nacional, Mexico City, 519 p
  • 12. Blachut T., Chrzanowski A., Saastamoinen J. (1979): Urban Surveying, Mapping. New York, Springer-Verlag, 372 p (translated into Chinese, Beijing Publishing House, 1985)
  • 13. Chrzanowski A., Dorrer E. (ed., 1978): Standards, Specifications for Integrated Surveying, Mapping Systems. (Workshop Proceedings, München, 1–2 June, 1977) Hochschule der Bundeswehr München, Schriftenreihe, HSBW Vermessungswesen, Heft 2, 181 p.
  • 14. Chrzanowski A. (1977): Design, Error Analysis of Surveying Projects. Departent of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, L.N. 47, 87 p.
  • 15. Chrzanowski A. (1976): “Pre-analysis, Design of Surveying Projects, Parts VI, VII, VIII”. Northpoint (Ontario Assoc. of Techn., Technologists), vol. 13, No. 1, 3, 4
  • 16. Hamilton A., Chrzanowski A., MacNaughton N. (1976): Infrastructure Information Requirements in the Maritime Provinces: An Analysis. Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, T.R. #37, 118 p.
  • 17. Chrzanowski A. (1975): Pre-analysis, Design of Surveying Projects, Parts IV, V. Northpoint (Ontario), vol. 12, No. 1, 4
  • 18. Chrzanowski A. (1975): “Pre-analysis, Design of Surveying Projects, Parts I, II, III, IV”. The Surveying Technician (London), vol. 3, Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10 (reprinted from Northpoint)
  • Publikacje
  • 19. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Massiera M., Whittaker C. (2002): “Monitoring, Numerical Modelling of Deformations of Large Dams – a Case Study”. Technical Sciences, Publisher: University of Warmia, Mazury, Olsztyn, pp. 47–60
  • 20. El-Rabbany A., Chrzanowski A., Santos M. (2001): “GPS Applications in Civil Engineering”. The Ontario Land Surveyor, vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 6–8
  • 21. Chrzanowski A. (2000): “9th International FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements” in Olsztyn, Poland, September 27–30, 1999, Geomatica, vol. 54, No. 2, p. 206
  • 22. Chrzanowski A. (2000): “International Seminar in Honour of Dr. Teodor Blachut; a Cofounder of 20th Century Photogrammetry”. Geomatica, vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 206–207
  • 23. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Bastin G., Lutes J. (2000): “Monitoring, modelling of ground subsidence in mining areas – case studies”. Geomatica, vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 495–41
  • 24. Whitaker C., Duffy M., Chrzanowski A. (2000): ”Design of an automated dam deformation monitoring system: A case study”. Journal of Geospatial Engineering, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 23–34
  • 25. Chrzanowski A., Monahan C., Roulston B., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1997): “Integrated Monitoring, Modeling of Ground Subsidence in Potash Mines”. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., vol. 34, No. 3/4, p. 621 (abstract), CD Rom (full text)
  • 26. Chen Yong-qi, Chrzanowski A. (1996): “Identification of deformation Models in Space, Time Domain”. Survey Review, vol. 33, No. 262, pp. 518–528
  • 27. Chrzanowski A., Chen Yong-qi, Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Ogundare J. (1996): “Separación de los modelos, combinados, deterministas y geoémetricos para el estudio de deformaciones”. Topografia y Cartografia (Madrid, Spain), vol. XIII, No. 75, pp. 62–71
  • 28. Chrzanowski A., Greening W.J.T., Robins J.S., Robinson G.L. (1995): “El Control Geodesico del proyecto Super Colisionador Superconductor (Acelerador de Particulas)”. Topografia y Cartografia (Madrid, Spain), vol. XII, No. 68, pp. 51–63
  • 29. Chrzanowski A., Greening T., Robinson G. (1995): ”US Supercollider – Geodetic Control”. Surveying World, vol. 3, No. 3, March, pp. 22–26
  • 30. Greening W.J., Chrzanowski A. (1995): “Recent Advances in Geodetic Control Surveys for Large Tunnelling Projects”. GIM, Geodetic Info Magazine, January, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 25–29
  • 31. Robinson G.L., Greening W.J.T., DeKrom P., Chrzanowski A., Silver E., Allen G.C., Falk M. (1995): “Surface, Underground Geodetic Control for the Superconducting Super Collider”. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, vol. 121, No. 1, Feb., pp. 13–34
  • 32. Robinson G.L., Greening W.J.T., Silver E.C., Chrzanowski A. (1995): “Geodetic Control for Underground Construction of the Superconducting Super Collider”. Survey Review, vol. 33, No. 25, July, pp. 177–187
  • 33. Chrzanowski A., Yong-qi Chen (1994): “Modelling of GPS Systematic Errors in Monitoring, Control Surveys”. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, vol. 120, No. 4, November, pp. 145–155
  • 34. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1994): “An approach to separability of deformation models”. Zeitschr. f. Vermessungswesen, 119, Heft 2, pp. 96–103
  • 35. Kuang S.L., Chrzanowski A. (1994): “Optimization of Integrated Survey Schemes for Deformation Monitoring”. Geomatica, vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 9–22
  • 36. Chrzanowski A. (1994): “Deformation Monitoring, Analysis – Some Recent Developments”. In: Festschrift für Prof.Dr.-Ing. Egon Dorrer zum 60. Geburtsstag (ed. K. Brunner, J. Peipe), Schriftenreihe Vermessungswesen, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Heft 46, pp. 55–63
  • 36. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1993): “On separability of deformation models” (in Chinese). Acta Geodaetica et Cartoghraphica Sinica, No. 1, pp. 19–24
  • 37. Chrzanowski A., Greening W.T., Grodecki J., Robbins J.S. (1993): “Design of Geodetic Control for Tunnelling Projects”. Canadian Tunnelling Canadien (Annual Journal of the Tunnelling Association of Canada), 1993, pp. 1–11
  • 38. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Separability of deformation models”. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica (Selected 1992 English Edition), pp. 42–50
  • 39. Kuang S.L., Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Multi-objective optimization design of geodetic networks”. Manuscripta Geodaetica, 17, pp. 233–244
  • 40. Kuang S.L., Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Rigorous Combined First Order, Second Order Optimal Design of Geodetic Networks”. Bolletino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, No. 2, pp. 141–156
  • 41. Chrzanowski A., Chen Yong-qi, Secord J.M., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1991): “Problems, solutions in the integrated monitoring, analysis of dam deformations”. CISM Journal ACSGC, vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 547–560
  • 42. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A., Secord J.M. (1990): “A strategy for the analysis of the stability of reference points in deformation surveys”. CISM Journal, vol. 44, No. 2, Summer, pp. 39–46
  • 43. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A., Kavouras M. (1990): ”Assessment of observations using minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE)”. CISM Journal, vol. 44, No. 1, Spring, pp. 39–46
  • 44. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Leal J. (1990): “Modelling of ground subsidence from a combination of GPS, levelling surveys”. In: Global, Regional Geodynamics, ed. Vyskocil P., Reigber C., Cross P., Proceedings of International Association of Geodesy Symposium 101, Edinburgh, 3–5 August, 1989, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., pp. 182–191
  • 45. Chrzanowski A., Chen Yong-qi, Leeman R., Leal J. (1989): ”Integration of the Global Positioning System with Geodetic Leveling Surveys in Ground Subsidence Studies”. CISM Journal, vol. 43, No. 4, Winter, pp. 377–386
  • 46. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1989): ”Experimental Study on GPS Data Processing Technique”. Journal of WTUSM (in Chinese), Wuhan, P.R.China, vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1–9
  • 47. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1987): “Some New Developments in Monitoring, Analysis, Prediction of Ground Subsidence”. CIMM Bulletin, vol. 80, No. 901, May 1987, pp. 46–50
  • 48. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Romero P., Secord J.M. (1986): “Integration of geodetic, geotechnical deformation surveys in the geosciences”. Tectonophysics, 130, 1986, pp. 369–383
  • 49. Chrzanowski A., Welsch W. (1986): “Review of the Huaytapallana Project in Peru”. Tectonophysics, 130, 1986, pp. 23–31
  • 50. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1986): “A Method to assess levelling measurements” (in Chinese). Journal of WTUSM, Wuhan, China, No. 1, pp. 1–9.
  • 51. Vanicek P., Beutler G., Faig W., Chrzanowski A., Langley R., McLaughlin J., Wells D. (1984): “Wpływ rozwoju metod satelitarnych na pomiary polowe” (Influence of Development of Satellite Methods on Field Measurements – in Polish). Przegl¹d Geodezyjny, vol. 56, No. 11, p. 10
  • 52. Vanicek P., Beutler G., Chrzanowski A., Faig W., Langley R.B., McLaughlin J.D., Wells D.E. (1984): “Implications of new space techniques in Land Surveying”. South African Journal, vol. 19(6), December, pp. 32–36
  • 53. Chrzanowski A., Langley R., Wells D., McLaughlin J. (1984): “Przewidywanie wpływu Global Positioning Systems (GPS) na geodezję” (Forecasting of the Influence of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) on Surveying – in Polish). Przegląd Geodezyjny, vol. 56, No. 12, p. 10
  • 54. Vanicek P., Wells D., Chrzanowski A., Hamilton A.C., Langley R., McLaughlin J.D., Nickerson B.G. (1984): “The future of geodetic networks” (in Polish). Przegląd Geodezyjny, vol. 56, No. 8–9, pp. 5–7
  • 55. Chrzanowski A., Langley R.B., Wells D., McLaughlin J.D. (1984): “Le Systeme GPS: Les Retombees Possibles de la Technologie GPS sur les Activites d’Arpentage” (translation by D. Beaulieu of A Forecast of the Impact of GPS on Surveying). Arpenteur Geometre, Revue bimestrielle editee sous l’egide de l’Ordre des arpenteurs-geometres du Quebec, 11, April, pp. 9–14
  • 56. Chrzanowski A. (1983): “Selected Papers” (in Chinese). Wuhan College of Geodesy, Photogrammetryand Cartography
  • 57. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Secord J. (1983): “On the strain analysis of tectonic movements using fault crossing geodetic surveys”. Tectonophysics, vol. 97, pp. 297–315
  • 58. Chrzanowski A., Faig W. (1982): “Ground Subsidence Determination in Mining Areas”. The Indian Mining, Engineering Journal, vol. XXI, No. 2, 3, pp. 7–12
  • 59. Chrzanowski A. (1981): “Optimization of the Breakthrough Accuracy in Tunnelling Surveys”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 5–16
  • 60. Chrzanowski A., Faig W., Kurz B.J. (1981): “University of New Brunswick Develops Telemetric Monitoring of Ground Subsidence”. Ontario Technologist, 23, No. 4 (1981), 4
  • 61. Chrzanowski A. (1981): “Monitoring Tectonic Movements”. Wild Reporter, 18, pp. 12–14
  • 62. Chrzanowski A. (1981): “New Techniques in Monitoring Ground Subsidence in Mining Areas”. Bulletin of the Association of Polish Engineers in Canada, 35, No. 3, pp. 21–29
  • 63. Chrzanowski A. (1980): “Analiza dokładności pomiarów przebitkowych w tunelach”. Przegląd Geodezyjny, 52, pp. 335–339
  • 64. Chrzanowski A., Faig W. (1979): “Report on the 2nd International Symposium on Deformation Measurements by Geodetic Methods”. Canadian Surveyor, 33, No. 2, pp. 210
  • 65. Nyland A., Chrzanowski A., Margrave G., Dennler M., Szostak A. (1979): “Measurement, Analysis of Ground Movement Using Microgeodetic Networks on Active Faults”. Geofisica Internacional, 18, No. 1, pp. 53–71
  • 66. Thomson D., Chrzanowski A., McLaughlin J. (1977): “Cadastral Standards for Integrated Survey Areas”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 307–322
  • 67. Chrzanowski A., Steeves P. (1977): “Control Networks with Wall Monumentation: A Basis for Integrated Survey Systems in Urban Areas”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 211–222
  • 68. Chrzanowski A., Jarzymowski A., Kaspar M. (1976): “A Comparison of Precision Alignment Methods”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 81–96
  • 69. Chrzanowski A., Steeves P. (1976): “New Technology in Control Surveys in Urban Areas”. Revista Cartografica (Mexico), No. 2, pp. 195–206
  • 70. Chrzanowski A., Canellopoulos N. (1974): “Problems Arising from Redefinition in Densification Surveys”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 28, No. 5, December, pp. 732–738
  • 71. Chrzanowski A. (1974): “Pre-analysis, Design of Surveying Projects, Parts I, II, III”. Northpoint, vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 19–23, No. 2, pp. 27–29, No. 4, pp. 6–10
  • 72. Chrzanowski A., Ahmed F., Kurz B. (1972): “New Laser Applications in Geodetic, Engineering Surveys”. Applied Optics, vol. II, No. 2, pp. 319–326
  • 73. Chrzanowski A., Janssen D. (1972): “Use of Laser in Precision Levelling”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 369–383
  • 74. Chrzanowski A. (1972): “A Model of a Horizontal Control Network for City Surveys”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 504–507
  • 75. Chrzanowski A. (1970): “New Techniques in Mine Orientation Surveys”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 23–46
  • 76. Chrzanowski A., Masry S. (1969): “Tunnel Profiling Using a Polaroid Camera”. The Canadian Mining, Metallurgical Bulletin, March, pp. 1–3, CIM Transactions, vol. LXXII, pp. 42–44
  • 77. Chrzanowski A., Derenyi E. (1968): “Role of Surveyors in the Mining Industry”. Surveying and Mapping, March, vol. XXVIII, No. 1, pp. 93–96
  • 78. Chrzanowski A., Derenyi E. (1968): “Pre-analysis of Trilateration Nets for Engineering Surveys”. Surveying and Mapping, December, vol. XXVIII, No. 4, pp. 615–619
  • 79. Chrzanowski A., Wilson P., Derenyi E. (1967): “Underground Survey Measurements – Research for Progress”. Canadian Mining,Metallurgical Bulletin, vol. 60, No. 662, pp. 1–12
  • 80. Chrzanowski A., Beluch W., Mierzwa S. (1967): “Zastosowanie mokrofalowego instrumentu Telemeter OG-1 w siatkach geodezyjnych na terenach górniczych” (Application of the Microwave Instrument Telemeter OG-1 for the Surveying Nets in Mining Areas – in Polish). Przegląd Naukowo-Techniczny AGH, Seria G. 2.8, Kraków
  • 81. Chrzanowski A. (1966): “Zastosowania EDM instrumentów w pomiarach górniczych” (Application of the EDM Instruments in Mining Surveying – in Polish). SITG Biuletyn Postępu Technicznego, No. IX, Katowice
  • 82. Chrzanowski A., Wilson P. (1966): “Underground Measurements with the Tellurometer”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 107–120
  • 83. Chrzanowski A. (1966): “Analiza dokładnościowa osnów dla celów inżynierskich z elektromagnetycznym pomiarem odległości”. Przegląd Geodezyjny, Nr 10, Warszawa
  • 84. Chrzanowski A. (1965): “Cracovian Calculus”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 70–77
  • 85. Chrzanowski A., Konecny G. (1965): “Theoretical Comparison of Triangulation, Trilateration, Traversing”. The Canadian Surveyor, vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 353–366
  • 86. Chrzanowski A. (1964): “A New Construction of the Instruments for the Determination of the Mean Position of Mine Plumb Line” (in Russian). In: Markshaiderskoye Delo v Socialisticheskich Stranach, Moskva, pp. 341–343
  • 87. Chrzanowski A. (1962): “Uwagi o tłumieniu wahań pionu mechanicznego cieczami lepkimi” (Remarks on Damping Oscillations of a Mechanical Plummet by means of Viscous Liquids). Zeszyty Naukowe AGH, No. 5, Kraków
  • 88. Chrzanowski A. (1962): “Nowa konstrukcja urządzenia do wyznaczania miejsca spoczynku pionu mechanicznego” (A New Construction of the Device for Defining the Position of Rest of the Mechanical Plummet). Zeszyty Naukowe AGH, No. 5, Kraków
  • 89. Chrzanowski A. (1962): “Wyniki wstępnych badań nad zmianami prędkości przepływu powietrza w szybach i podszybiach”. Przegląd Górniczy, No. 9, Katowice
  • 90. Chrzanowski A. (1962): “Metody zwiększenia dokładności i przyspieszenia pionowania mechanicznego przy orientacji kopalń”. Przegląd Górniczy, No. 12, Katowice
  • 91. Chrzanowski A., Sitek Z. (1962): “Use of Photographic Cameras, of Photogrammetric Methods in Mining Aerology”. Photogrammetric Engineering, November
  • 92. Chrzanowski A., Sitek Z. (1962): “Determining the Flow Airstreams”. Colliery Engineering, May
  • 93. Chrzanowski A. (1961): “O zastosowaniu linek stalowych do pionowania mechanicznego przy orientacji kopalń”. Zeszyty Naukowe AGH, No. 4, Kraków
  • 94. Chrzanowski A. (1961): “Efekt poziomej składowej ugięcia belki na dokładność pionowania metodą wielokrotnych obciążeń”. Przegląd Nauk Techn. AGH, No. 9, Kraków
  • 95. Chrzanowski A. (1961): “Dokładność pomiaru prędkości powietrza zwykłymi anemometrami skrzydełkowymi”. Przegląd Górniczy, No. 10, Katowice
  • 96. Chrzanowski A. Sitek Z. (1961): “Próba zastosowania metod fotogrametrycznych do pomiaru rozkładu kierunku prądu powietrza w wyrobiskach górniczych”. Przegląd Górniczy, No. 12, Katowice
  • 97. Chrzanowski A. (1961): “Wpływ składowej poziomej ugięcia belki na dokładność pionowania wielociężarowego”. Przegląd Nauk Techn. AGH, No. 7, Kraków
  • 98. Chrzanowski A. (1960): “Wpływ prądu powietrza na dokładność centrowania teodolitu w poligonizacji kopalnianej”. Przegląd Nauk Techn. AGH, No. 7, Kraków
  • 99. Chrzanowski A. (1959): “Badania nad zachowaniem się pionu mechanicznego przy orientacji kopań”. Geodezja i Kartografia, t. VIII, z. 3
  • Referaty na Kongresach i Konferencjach Naukowych
  • 100. Chrzanowski A., Ding X., Roberst G., Whitaker C. (2003): “Goals, Achievements of FIG Working Group WG6.1 – Deformation Measurements, Analysis”. Proceedings, FIG 11th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorinin, Greece, May 25–28 (in print)
  • 101. Wilkins R., Bastin G., Chrzanowski A., Newcomen W., Shwydiuk L. (2003): “A fully automated system for monitoring pit wall displacements”. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of 2003 SME Annual Meeting (The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, Exploration, Inc., USA), Cincinnati, OH, 24–26 Feb., 7 p.
  • 102. Wilkins R., Bastin G., Chrzanowski A. (2003): “Alert: a Fully Automated Real Time Monitoring System”. Proceedings, FIG 11th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini, Greece, May 25–28 (in print)
  • 103. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Massiera M. (2003): “Use of Geodetic Monitoring Measurements in Solving Geomechanical Problems in Structural, Mining Engineering”. Proceedings, FIG 11th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25–28 (in print)
  • 104. Oszczak S., Wasilewski A., Rzepecka Z., Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (2003): “Ten Years of Deformation Study, Proposed Research Program for the area of Polish Copper Basin”. Proceedings, FIG 11th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25–28 (in print)
  • 105. Wilkins R., Bastin G., Chrzanowski A. (2003): “Monitoring of Structures, Steep Embankments: A Fully Automated Approach”. Proceedings (CD-ROM), Annual Congress of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Moncton, N.B., Canada, June 4–7, 10 p.
  • 106. Massiera M., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Whittaker C. (2002): “Effet du remplissage du reservoir sur les tassements de grands barrages en remblai”. Proceedings, 55th Annual Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 4–9 September, Niagara Falls, pp. 935–942
  • 107. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Massiera M., Chrzanowski A., Le Hoan F. (2002): “Verification of design parameters of large earthen dams during the filling process”. Proceedings, 2nd Canadian Specialty Conference on Computer Applications in Geotechnique, 28–30 April, Winnipeg, MB, pp. 54–59
  • 108. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Massiera M., Chrzanowski A., Whittaker C. (2002): “Verification of design parameters of large earthen dams using geodetic measurements”. Proceedings, FIG 12th International Congress, 19–26 April, Washington, D.C., CD-ROM
  • 109. Massiera M., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Hill C. (2001): “Évaluation des déformations d’un grand barrge en terre et en enrochement pendant sa mise en eau”. Proceedings of the 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 2nd Joint IAH, CGS Groundwater Conference, Calgary, Sept. 4–9. pp. 327–333
  • 110. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Massiera M., Chrzanowski A., Hill C. (2001): “Use of geodetic monitoring surveys in verifying design parameters of large earthen dams”. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 10th Int. Symp. On Deformation Measurements (Metropolian Water District of S. California): Orange, CA, March 19–22. Available at:
  • 111. Duffy M., Hill C., Whitaker C., Chrzanowski A., Lutes J., Bastin G. (2001): “An automated, integrated monitoring program for Diamond Valley Lake in California”. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 10th Int. Symp. on Deformation Measurements (Metropolitan Water District of S. California), Orange, CA, March 19–22. Available at:
  • 112. Lutes J., Chrzanowski A., Bastin G., Whitaker C. (2001): “DIMONS software for automatic data collection, automatic deformation analysis”. Proceedings (CD-ROM), 10th International (FIG) Symposium on Deformation Measurements, (Metropolitan Water District of S. California), Orange, CA, March 19–22. Available at: http://rincon.gps.
  • 113. Chrzanowski A. (2001) “10th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements”. Geomatica, vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 404–405
  • 114. Massiera M., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Whitaker C. (2000): “Évaluation des déformations d’un grand barrage en remblai pour concevoir un systéme d’instrumentation géodesique”. Proceedings of the 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference of the Can. Geotechnical Society, 4–9 September, Montreal, pp. 247–254
  • 115. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Oszczak S., Rzepecka Z., Wasiliewski A., Popiolek E., Kurpinski R. (2000): “Modeling of the rock mass behavior at KGHM Polish Copper mines”. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of ISM, Kraków, September 4–8, pp. 301–310
  • 116. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Massiera M., Chrzanowski A., Whitaker C., Duffy M. (2000): ”Verification of design parameters of large earthen dams using deformation monitoring data-potentials, limitations”. Proceedings, 3rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Dam Association, Regina, September 16–2, pp. 193–202
  • 117. Whitaker C., Duffy M., Chrzanowski A. (1999): “Installation of a Continuous Monitoring Scheme for the Eastside Reservoir Project in California”. Proceedings of the 9th FIG Symp. on Deformation Measurements, Olsztyn, Poland, September 27–30, pp. 85–97
  • 118. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Pietruszka K. (1999): “Finite Element Modeling of Ground Subsidence in Various Mining, Geological Conditions”. Ibid., pp. 308–318
  • 119. Chrzanowski A. (1999): “Deformable World – Introductory Remarks”. Ibid., pp. 7–8
  • 120. Chrzanowski A. (1999): “Review of Activity of the FIG Working Group 6.1 Concerning Methods of Deformation Analysis, Classification of Deformation Models”. Proceedings of the 9th FIG Symp. on Deformation Measurements, Olsztyn, Poland, September 27–30, pp. 410–415
  • 121. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Bastin G., Lutes J. (1998): “Ground Subsidence Studies in Potash Mines”. Proceedings, XXI FIG Congress, Brighton, U.K., July 19–25, 1998, pp. 202–216
  • 122. Whitaker C., Duffy M., Chrzanowski A. (1998): “Design of a Continuous Monitoring Scheme for the Eastside Reservoir in California”. Ibid., pp. 329–344
  • 123. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Forrester D.J. (1998): “100 Years of ground Subsidence Studies”. 100th General Meeting of CIM, Montreal, May 3–7, Proceedings (Canadian Institute of Mining), CD-ROM, CIM Montreal ’98
  • 124. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1997): “Modelling, Prediction of Ground Subsidence in Potash Mines”. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of the International Society for Mine Surveyng (published by Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.), Fremantle, W. Australia, 2–6 Nov., pp. 507–512
  • 125. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1996): “Design, Monitoring, Analysis of Deformation Surveys: Problems, Solutions”. Proceedings of the 6th International (FIG) Symposium on Deformation Measurements. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Vermessungswesen der Universität Hannover, No. 217, 1996, pp. 145–160
  • 126. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Kuang S.L., Lambert A. (1996): “Finite Element Modelling of Tectonic Movements in Western Canada”. Ibid., pp. 733–744
  • 127. Leal J., Murria J., Chrzanowski A., J .Secord (1996): “Monitoring horizontal movements in the Costa Oriental protection dykes in Venezuela”. Ibid., pp. 450–464
  • 128. Chrzanowski A. (1996): “Development trends in deformation monitoring, analysis” (keynote address). Proceedings (H.K.Polytechnic Univ) of the 8th International (FIG) Symposium on Deformation Measurements, 24–28 June, pp. 5–6
  • 129. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1995): “Identification of Dam Deformation Mechanism”. Intern. Conf. of the Malaysian Water Association on Dam Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, 1–2 August , Proceedings (ed. Tan J.S.Y.), pp. 179–187
  • 130. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Popiolek E. (1995): “Modelling of Gravity Changes in Mining Areas”. Proceedings (ed. Hani Sabri Mitri) 3rd Can. Conf. on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry – CAMI ‘95, McGill Univ., Montreal, Oct. 22–25, 1995, pp. 293–302
  • 131. Chrzanowski A. (1994): “FIG Commission 6 Activities in Deformation Monitoring, Analysis”. First Turkish Intern. Symp. on Deformations, Istanbul, September 5–9, Proceedings (published by Chamber of Surveying Engineers, Ankara), pp. 48–59
  • 132. Chrzanowski A. (1994): “The Deformable World – Problems, Solutions”. Proceedings (ed.) H.Papo, Perelmuter Workshop on Dynamic Deformation Models, Technion Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa, August 29 – September 1, pp. 8–28
  • 133. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1994): “Comments on Deformation Modelling in Space, Time Domains”. Ibid., pp. 330–340
  • 134. Chrzanowski A., Greening W.T., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1994): “Recent Advances in Precision Surveying Technology, Integrated Deformation Analysis”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Civil Engineers), Las Vegas, May 22–26, vol. 2, pp. 721–731
  • 135. Chrzanowski A., Greening W.J.T., Robbins J.S., Robinson G.L. (1994): “Geodetic Control for Superconducting Super Collider Project”. Proceedings of FIG XX Congress, Melbourne, March 5–12, vol. 6, Paper No. 601.5
  • 136. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Ogundare J. (1994): “Separability of Combined Deterministic, Geometric Models of Deformation”. Ibid., Paper No. 652.1
  • 137. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1994): “Error Propagation in the Finite Element Analysis of Deformations”. Ibid., Paper No. 602.4
  • 138. Chrzanowski A., Greening W.J.T., Robbins J.S. (1994): “Control surveys for an 87 km ring tunnel”. Proceedings of the 9th Congress ISM (International Society for Mine Surveying), Prague, 18–22 kwietnia 1994, pp. 203–209
  • 139. Chrzanowski A., Frodge S.L. (1993): “A Study on the Worldwide Status of Dam Deformation Monitoring, Analyses”. Proceedings of theAnnual Conference of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Kansas City, Sept. 26–29, pp. 353–359
  • 140. Chrzanowski A., Avella S., Frodge S.L. (1993): “Worldwide Review of Existing Standards, Procedures for Monitoring, Analysing Dam Deformations”. Proceedings of Canadian Dam Safety Conference (CDSA/CANCOLD), St. John’s, Nfld., BiTech Publishers Ltd. Canada, pp. 25–39
  • 141. Chrzanowski A., Greening T. (1993): “Geodetic Aspects of Large Tunnelling Projects”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Can. Soc. for Civil Eng., Fredericton, June 8–11, vol. IV, pp. 449–458
  • 142. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1993): “Enhancement of Deformation Modelling in Engineering, Geosciences by Combining Deterministic, Generalized Geometrical Analysis”. Ibid., vol. IV, pp. 479–488
  • 143. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1993): “Evaluation, Modelling of GPS Errors in Integrated Deformation Surveys: Case Studies”. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Positioning System in Geosciences, 8–10 June, 1992 (ed. Mertrikas S.P.), University of Crete, Chania, Greece, pp. 246–255
  • 144. Greening W.J.T., Chrzanowski A., Robbins J.S., Ruland R.E. (1993): “Control Surveys for Tunnelling at the Superconducting Super Collider”. Proceedings of the 7th Int. Symp. on Deformation Measurements, 6th Can. Symp. on Mining Surveying, Banff, Alberta, May 2–6, Canadian Inst. of Geomatics, pp. 2–13
  • 145. Chrzanowski A., Frodge S.L., Avella S. (1993): “The Worldwide Status of Monitoring, Analysis of Dam Deformations”. Ibid., pp. 77–88
  • 146. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Lambert A., Paul M.K. (1993): “Finite Element Analysis of Surface Uplift, Gravity Changes of Tectonic Origin”. Ibid., pp. 333–341
  • 147. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Kuang S.L. (1993): “Propagation of Random Errors in Finite Element Analysis”. Proceedings of the 1st Can. Symp. on Numerical Modelling Applications in Mining, Geomechanics, McGill Univ., Montreal, 27–30 March, pp. 297–307
  • 148. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Leal J., Poplawski T. (1991): “Use of the Global Positioning System in Ground Subsidence Studies”. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM), Lexington, Kentucky, September 22–27, 1991, pp. 203–209
  • 149. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Leal J., Murria J., Poplawski T. (1991): “Use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for ground subsidence measurements in Western Venezuela Oil Fields”. In: Land Subsidence, Johnson A.I. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, Houston, Texas, 12–17 May, 1991; International Association of Hydrological Sciences, IAHS Publ. No. 200, pp. 419–432
  • 150. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A. (1991): “Modelling, Prediction of Ground Subsidence using an Iterative Finite Element Method”. Ibid., pp. 173–180
  • 151. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A. (1991): “Use of Software FEMMA in 2-D, 3-D modelling of ground subsidence”. Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, Poulin R., Pakalniis R., Mular A.L. (eds), University of British Columbia, The Canadian Institute of Mining, Vancouver B.C., 15–19 September, pp. 689–700
  • 152. Kuang S.L., Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1991): “A unified mathematical modelling for the optimal design of monitoring networks”. Manuscripta Geodaetica, 16, pp. 376–383
  • 153. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Leal J., Poplawski T. (1990): “Combination of space, terrestrial surveys in deformation monitoring of dykes”. 1990 Annual Conference, Association of State Dam Safety Officials, October 14–18
  • 154. Leal J., Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Murria J. (1990): “Integracion de Mediciones con GPS y Nivelacion en los Estudios de Subsidencia de la Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo”. 5th Venezuelan Geophysical Congress, Caracas, 21–25 October 1990, Proceedings, pp. 46–53
  • 155. Chrzanowski A. (1990): “Integrated Monitoring, Analysis of Dam Deformations: Problems, Solutions”. Proceedings, Canadian Dam Safety Conference of the Canadian Dam Safety Association, Toronto, September 17–19, pp. 1–17
  • 156. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Poplawski T., Leal J. (1990): “Use of GPS in integrated deformation surveys: modelling, implementation”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Precise Positioning with GPS, (GPS’90), Ottawa, September 3–7, Canadian Institute of Surveying, Mapping, pp. 866–882
  • 157. Tang C., Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1990): “Optimum Design of GPS Networks for Monitoring Vertical Movements”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Precise Positioning with GPS, (GPS’90), Ottawa, September 3–7, Canadian Institute of Surveying, Mapping, pp. 898–907
  • 158. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1990): “Deformation Monitoring, Analysis, Prediction – Status Report”. Proceedings, FIG XIX International Congress, Helsinki, 10–19 June, paper No. 604.1, vol. 6, pp. 83–97
  • 159. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Secord J. (1990): “Combination of geometrical analysis with physical interpretation for the enhancement of deformation modelling”. Proceedings, FIG XIX Congress, Helsinki, 10–19 June, paper No. 612.3, vol. 6, pp. 326–341
  • 160. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1990): “Integration of GPS with levelling in ground subsidence studies: mathematical modelling”. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Geodetic Computations, International Association of Geodesy, Wuhan, ed. Chen Junyong, International Academic Press, Beijing, China, pp. 22–30
  • 161. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Leeman R., Leal J. (1988): “Integration of the Global Positioning System with Geodetic Levelling Surveys in Ground Subsidence Studies”. 5th International (FIG) Symposium on Deformation Measurement, 5th Canadian Symposium on Mining Surveying, Rock Deformation Measurements, FIG, CISM, Fredericton, 6–9 June 1988, Proceedings (ed. A. Chrzanowski, W. Wells, Univ. of N.B.), pp. 142–151
  • 162. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Secord J.M., Thompson G.A., Wroblewicz Z. (1988): “Integration of Geotechnical, Geodetic Observations in the Geometrical Analysis of Deformation at the Mactaquac Generating Station”. Ibid., pp. 156–169
  • 163. Janes H.W., Mackenzie A.P., Chrzanowski A., Langley R.B. (1988): “An Industry-University Collaborative Development in Precise Engineering, Deformation Surveys”. Ibid., pp. 208–219
  • 164. Wilkins F.J., Chrzanowski A., Rohde M.W., Schmeing H., Secord J.M. (1988): “A Three Dimensional High Precision Coordinating System”. Ibid., pp. 580–592
  • 165. Chrzanowski A. (1988): “Report on the 5th International (FIG) Symposium on Deformation Surveys and the 5th Canadian Symposium on Mining Surveying, Rock Deformation Measurements”. FIG Bulletin, No. 42, December 1988, p. 11
  • 166. Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Chrzanowski A., Kleczek Z. (1988): “A Methodology for Non-Linear Elastic Modelling of Ground Subsidence using Finite Element Analysis”. 7th International Congress of the International Society for Mine Surveying, Leningrad, June 28 – July 2, Proceedings, pp. 109–117
  • 167. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Secord J. (1986): “Geometrical analysis of deformation surveys”. Deformation Measurements Workshop, MIT, Boston, Oct. 31 – Nov. l, Proceedings (MIT), pp. 170–206
  • 168. Chrzanowski A. (1986): “Geotechnical, other non-geodetic methods in deformation measurements”. Ibid., pp. 112–153
  • 169. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1986): “Integrated analysis of ground subsidence in a coal mining area: a case study”. Ibid., pp. 259–274
  • 170. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (l986): “An overview of the physical interpretation of deformation measurements”. Ibid., pp. 207 – 220
  • 171. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. (1986): “Report of the ad hoc Committee on the Analysis of Deformation Surveys”. XVIIIth Intern. Congress FIG, Toronto, 1–11 June. Proceedings, Paper No. 608.1
  • 172. Faig W., Chrzanowski A., Zhengdong Shi (1986): “An Integrated Approach to Deformation Analysis Illustrated with a Laboratory Test”. XVIII Intern. Congress of FIG, Toronto, June 1–11, Proceedings, Paper No. 610.4
  • 173. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1985): “Finite element modelling of ground movement over a steeply inclined coal seam”. Proceedings of the VIth Int. Congress ISM, Harrogate, 9–13 Sept., pp. 709–718
  • 174. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A., Secord J. (1985): “Generalized modelling of ground movements by integrating geodetic surveys with geotechnical measurements”. Ibid., Proceedings, pp. 912–920
  • 175. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q., Fisekci M.Y., Secord J., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1985): “An integrated approach to the monitoring, modelling of ground movements”. 4th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, U. of W. V., Morgantown, W.V., July 22–24, Proceedings, pp. 273–285
  • 176. Chrzanowski A., Greening T., Kornacki W., Secord J., Vamosi S., Chen Y.Q. (1985): “Applications, limitations of precise trigonometric height traversing”. Third International Symposium (IAG) on the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD ‘85), Rockville, April 21–26, Proceedings, pp. 81–93
  • 177. Chen Y.Q., Chrzanowski A. (1985): “Assessment of levelling measurements using the theory of MINQE”. Ibid., pp. 389–400
  • 178. Chrzanowski A., A. Szostak-Chrzanowski (1984): “A Comparison of Emprical, Deterministic Prediction of Mine Subsidence”. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Venice, Italy, IAHS Publication No. 151 (ed. by Johnson A.I. et al.), pp. 137–146
  • 179. Chrzanowski A., Chen Y.Q. Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1983): “Use of the Finite Element Method in the Design, Analysis of Deformation Measurements”. Proceedings, FIG-XVII Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 19–28, Paper No. 611.1
  • 180. Chrzanowski A., Secord J. (1983): “Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Analysis of Deformation Surveys”. Ibid., Paper No. 605.2
  • 181. Chrzanowski A. (1983): “Economization of Vertical Control Surveys in Hilly Areas by Using Modified Trigonometric Levelling”. Proceedings, ACSM Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., March 13–18, pp. 635–644
  • 182. Chrzanowski A., Hart F. (1983): “Role of the Surveyor in North America in Studies of Ground Movements in Mining Areas”. Ibid., pp. 262–271
  • 183. Chrzanowski A., Langley R., Wells D., McLaughlin J. (1983): “A Forecast of the Impact of GPS on Surveying”. Ibid., pp. 625–634
  • 184. Chrzanowski A., Faig W., Fisekci M., Kurz B. (1982): “Telemetric Monitoring of Ground Subsidence over a Hydraulic Mining Operation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains”. 5th Int. Symposium for Mine Surveying, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 249–256
  • 185. Fisekci M.Y., Chrzanowski A.B., Das M., La Rocque G. (1981): “Subsidence Studies in Thick, Steep Coal Seam Mining”. First Annual Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, W.V. Proceedings, (ed. Peng S., Univ. of West Virginia), pp. 230–238
  • 186. Chrzanowski A. (1979): “Development Trends in Mining Surveying“. Third Canadian Symposium on Mining Surveying, Rock Deformation Measurements, Sudbury, Ontario, Proceedings (ed. W. Faig, Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Institute of Surveying), pp. 1–8
  • 187. Chrzanowski A. (1979): “Error Analysis of Tunnelling Surveys”. Third Canadian Symposium on Mining Surveying, Rock Deformation Measurments, Sudbury, Ont., Proceedings (ed. W. Faig, Ottawa, Canadian Institute of Surveying), pp. 164–183
  • 188. Chrzanowski A., Nyland E., Dennler M., Szostak A. (1978): “Micro-Geodetic Networks in monitoring Tectonic Movements”. Second International Symposium of Deformation Measurements by Geodetic Methods, Bonn, Proceedings (ed. L. Hallermann, Stuttgart: Konrad Wittwer), pp. 401–415
  • 189. Chrzanowski A., Steeves P. (1976): “Control Surveys for Urban Areas with Wall Monumentation”. 36th Annual Meeting of the American Congress on Surveying, Mapping, Washington, D.C., Febrauary, Proceedings, pp. 84–95
  • 190. Chrzanowski A., Jarzymowski A., Kaspar M. (1975): “Precision Alignment Methods in Deformation Measurements Using Laser”. Symposium on Deformation Measurements, (FIG) Krakow, Poland, Proceedings, Commission 6, FIG, pp. 412–427
  • 191. Hamilton A., Chrzanowski A., Vanicek P. (1975): “Map Projections, Grid Coordinates, Geocodes”. Commonwealth Survey Officers Conference, Cambridge, August, Proceedings, Paper No. 63
  • 192. Chrzanowski A. (1974): “Precision Alignment Surveys Using Laser”. FIG-XIV Congress, Washington, D.C., September, Proceedings, Paper No. 601.3
  • 193. Chrzanowski A. (1971): “Development of New Laser Instruments for Precision Surveys”. XIII-FIG Congress, Wiesbaden, Proceedings, Paper No. 601.3
  • 194. Chrzanowski A., Ahmed F. (1971): “Alignment Surveys in a Turbulent Atmosphere Using Laser”. 31st ACSM Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, March, Proceedings, pp. 494–513
  • 195. Chrzanowski A. (1971): “Mining Surveying in North America”. 31st ACSM Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, March, Proceedings, pp. 482–488
  • 196. Chrzanowski A. (1970): “New Laser Instruments for Engineering Surveys”. Pre-published papers of the International Symposium on Precision Engineering Surveys, Paper No. 1/23, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
  • 197. Chrzanowski A., Wilson P. (1967): “Pre-analysis of Networks for Precise Engineering Surveys”. IIIrd South African National Survey Conference, Johannesburg, Proceedings, Paper 10/43, pp. 1–20
  • 198. Chrzanowski A. (1967): “An Accuracy Analysis of Mine Orientation”. Ibid., Paper 5/29, pp. 78–99
  • 199. Chrzanowski A., Wilson P. (1967): “The Evaluation of Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment for Underground Surveys”. Ibid., Paper 5/30, pp. 67–77
  • Sprawozdania z prac naukowo-badawczych
  • 200. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (2002): “Use of Deformation Monitoring Measurements in Solving Geomechanical Problems”. In: Monograph in Honour of Petr Vanicek, Department of Geodesy, Geomatics Engineering Technical Report No., ed. M. Santos, Fredericton, N.B., pp. 47–58
  • 201. Chrzanowski A., Bastin G. (2002): “2002 Results of Ground Subsidence Surveys in the Mining Area of PCS Potash Mine in New Brunswick”. Raport, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, New Brunswick Division
  • 202. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (2002): “Numerical Modelling of Ground Subsidence, Hydrological Changes in the Mining Area of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan – N.B. Division near Sussex”. New Brunswick, Raport, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, New Brunswick Division
  • 203. Chrzanowski A. (2001): “The 10th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements in Orange, California, March 2001”. Report published in FIG Bulletin No. 73, July 2001, pp. 18–19
  • 204. Chrzanowski A., Bastin G. (2001): “Warsak Monitoring Project – Deformation Analysis Final Report 1997–2000”. Contract report submitted to SNC-Shawinigan, Inc., 30 April 2001, 200 p.
  • 205. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Oszczak S., Wasilewski A., Rzepecka Z., Popiołek E. (1999): “Ocena pomiarów GPS w analizie zachowania się górotworu w kopalni Rudna stosując metodę elementów skończonych”(Evaluation of GPS surveys for the analysis of rock mass behavior at Rudna mine using finite element method – in Polish). Contract report submitted to KGHM Polish Copper in November 1999
  • 206. Chrzanowski A., Lutes J., Szostak-Chrzanowski A. (1999): “Evaluation of Surveying Design Schemes for Monitoring Structural Deformations on Large Gravity Dams”. Contract Report submitted to the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center, Alexandria, Virginia, 130 p.
  • 207. Chrzanowski A., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Bastin G., Singleton B. (1996): “1989–1995 Ground Subsidence Study in the Mining Area of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan – New Brunswick Division”. Research Contract Report, submitted to PCS-New Brunswick Division, 85 p.
  • 208. Chrzanowski A., Szostak Chrzanowski A., Bastin G., Singleton B. (1996): “1986–1995 Ground Subsidence Study in the Mining Area of Potacan Mining Company near Sussex”. N.B. Contract Report submitted to Potacan Mining Company, 80 p.
  • 209. Chrzanowski A., Caissy M., Grodecki J., Secord J. (1994): “Software development, training for geometrical deformation analysis”. Final Report: submitted to EMR Geodetic Survey of Canada, Contract No.23244-2-4333/01-SQ, 6 volumes, August, 1994
  • 210. Chrzanowski A., Secord J.M. (1992): “The 1991 analysis of deformation measurements at the Mactaquac Generating Station”. Final Report prepared for the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission, Dept. of Surv. Eng., UNB, February 1992
  • 211. Chrzanowski A., Grodecki J., Greeining T. (1992): “Horizontal Tunnel Control Analysis”. Report prepared by The PB/MK Team for the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory, PB/MK Doc. No. CPB-001140, 62 p.
  • 212. Chrzanowski A., Grodecki J., Robinson G. (1992): “Evaluation of RTK/TOWILL Vertical, Horizontal Surveys for SSC Project”. Ibid., PB/MK Doc. No. CPB-100128, 40 p.
  • 213. DeKrom P., Robinson G., Greening T., Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Vertical Tunnel Control Analysis”. Report prepared by The PB/MK Team for the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory, PB/MK Doc. No. CPB-100010, 147 p.
  • 214. Chrzanowski A. (1992): “Control Densification, Shaft Transfer for the SSC Project”. Report prepared by the PB/MK Team for the Superconducting Super Collider Laborator, PB/MK Doc. No. CPB-100191, 23 p.
  • 215. Chrzanowski A. (1989): “Implementation of Trigonometric Height Traversing in Geodetic Levelling of High Precision”. U.N.B., S.E.Dept. Techn. Report No. 142, 104 p.
  • 216. Chrzanowski A., YChen Q., Secord J., Szostak-Chrzanowski A., Hayward D.G., Thompson G.A., Wroblewicz Z. (1989): “Integrated Analysis of Deformation Surveys at Mactaquac”. International Water Power, Dam Construction, August 1989, pp. 17–22
  • 217. Chrzanowski A. (compiled by, 1988): “Conference 1988 on Deformation Surveys; Executive Summaries”. Dept. of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Techn. Report No. 135, 154 p.
  • 218. Secord J.M., Chrzanowski A., Rohde M.W., Wilkins F.J. (1988): “TASCC Phase II Control, Setting Out Surveys at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories”. Final Report (Contract No. CR37D 9192/AFI) Submitted to Atomic Energy of Canada, 84 p. 38
  • 219. Chrzanowski A., Makosinski A., Zielinski A., Faig W. (1988): “Highwall Monitoring System, Final Report”. Submitted to Syncrude Canada Ltd., Contract #C6779-55, by Monitoring Systems Ltd.
  • 220. Chen Y.Q., Kavouras M., Chrzanowski A. (1987): “A strategy for the detection of outliers using a generalized approach”. The Canadian Surveyor, Winter, vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 529–540
  • 221. Hamilton A., Wells D., Chrzanowski A., Faig W., Langley R., Vanicek P., McLaughlin J. (1986): “Control Survey Study for LRIS”. Surveying Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick, Technical Report No. 124, 110 p.
  • 222. Chrzanowski A. (1985): “Implementation of trigonometric height traversing in geodetic levelling of high precision”. Final contract report to Geodetic Survey of Canada (Contract Report 85-006)
  • 223. Chrzanowski A., Faig W., Kurz B., Makosinski A. (1980): “Development, Installation, Operation of a Subsidence Monitoring, Telemetry”. Final Report submitted to Canada Centre for Mineral, Energy Technology (DSS File: 18 sq. 23440-8-0-16), pp. 148
  • 224. McLaughlin J., Chrzanowski A., Thomson D. (1977): “Maritime Cadastral Accuracy Study”. Report submitted to the Land Registration, Information Service, Dept. of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 72 p.
  • 225. Hamilton A., Chrzanowski A., Vanicek P. (1975): “A Critical Review of Existing, Possible Map Projection Systems for the Maritime Provinces”. Contract report prepared by the Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick for the Land Registration, Information Service (Council of Maritime Premiers)
  • 226. Egberongbe A., Chrzanowski A. (1971): “Evaluation of a He-Ne Laser for Use in Alignment Surveys”. Technical Report No. 10, Surveying Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
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