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Molluscan assemblages of Late Glacial and Holocene calcareous tufas in southern Poland

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The calcareous tufas and travertines of the Weichselian Late Glacial and Holocene age host very abundant and diversified molluscan assemblages. Most of the 80 studies localities are located in southern Poland, namely in the Carpathians and in the zone of Mid-Polish Uplands. Malocological analysis has enabled for distinguishing several types of molluscan assemblages and detailed description of their stratigraphic sequences. The malacological sequences reflect environmental changes during the last 12,000 years caused by both natural factors (mainly climatic oscillations) and anthropopressure. Moreover, these results allow one to characterize the differences and similarities among geographical regions, and to select phases during which increased migration took place. The possibility of malacostratigraphic subdivision of the Late Glacial and Holocene is particulary important for Quaternary stratigraphy, Malacological data, which are the basis for interpretation, have been supplemented by the results of palynological, isotopic, and archaelogical studies, as well as by the results of radiocarbon datings
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Bibliogr. 305 poz., tab., rys.
  • Department of Stratigraphy and Regional Geology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics, and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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