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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify the potential of the Lublin Region in the context of the innovativeness of Lublin enterprises. The study presents the position occupied by Lublin Region compared to other Regions in the country based on selected criteria. Innovative start-up organizations from the Lublin Region were also analyzed in the paper. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical part of the study was based on a review of the available literature on the subject. The empirical part of the study was developed based on reports from external institutions, data from the Central Statistical Office, and research conducted in 2020-2021 for the doctoral thesis. Findings: The study shows that in the Lublin Region: micro-enterprises are established most frequently, the share of innovative enterprises in the total number of enterprises increases, and there is a high percentage of enterprises active in innovation and undertaking cooperation for innovation. Based on the research, Lublin is a friendly place for future entrepreneurs. Innovative start-ups from the Lublin Region are constantly developing their innovative activity (depending on the high potential of their employees, availability of qualified staff, and customers, accessible internal communication, and flexible organizational structure). They are planning to implement other innovative solutions; the most important thing for them is product development and achieving satisfactory profitability. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation was the difficulty in collecting empirical material for a study of start-ups from the Lublin Region. The COVID-19 pandemic was ongoing in 2020-2021, which meant that entrepreneurs were mainly focused on survival, were not interested in participating in the study, and the shift to remote working contacted them completely impossible. Practical implications: The research shows that many initiatives to support creative entrepreneurs setting up small businesses should be created in the Lublin Region. In addition, entrepreneurs should focus on expanding into foreign markets, strengthening the Region's potential, and contributing to greater international recognition of the Lublin Region. Social implications: In their strategy, entrepreneurs in the Lublin Region should undertake actions that favor the local community, create solutions to improve social welfare, and aim to reduce the level of poverty in the Region so that the least affluent part of society has access to modern solutions and the possibility of personal development. Originality/value: Based on the conducted studies, it should be stated that the Lublin Region is constantly developing its innovative potential. Despite the unfavorable economic conditions of the Region, the number of small, thriving businesses focused on innovation is increasing.The Lublin Region and its initiatives create conditions for further investment activities, bringing benefits to entrepreneurs and the local community and developing the Region's potential.
Opis fizyczny
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