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The authors analysed the methods for determining the focal length in digital cameras (DC) and proposed a method, according to which the control-measuring grid (CMG) is located vertically at a distance from the DC and a photograph of the CMG is made, then the latter (the CMG) is moved along the optical axis of the digital camera to the distance, which is fixed with a micrometre screw and, repeatedly, a series of photographs of the CMG is taken. After that, on the received digital images, the coordinates are measured on the corresponding intersections of the CMG, and subsequently, the focal length for the DC is determined. The a priori estimation of accuracy of determining the focal length for the DC by the proposed method is calculated. For approbation of the method, the focal length in the following cameras was determined: Canon EOS 350D, Canon EOS 450D, Canon EOS 5D.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 13 poz., tab.
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- National University Lviv Polytechnic Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Institute of Geodesy Karpinski St. 6, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
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