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Process of technology management in SMEs of the metal processing industry – the case study investigation

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The main purpose of this work is to identify the factors that influence the process of technology management in the sector of small- and medium-sized enterprises of the metal processing industry, considering the shape and course required to achieve modern operation conditions by enterprises in the market. The research process used the case study method, which was preceded by study visits to manufacturing enterprises, direct interviews with representatives of the management and employees of enterprises, and observations of the processing conditions. The result of the research was the identification of technologies available and used in the analysed enterprises. It defines the process of technology management as well as the internal and external factors influencing this process and defines the timeline for the process of technology management. The obtained results are the effect of the preliminary research, whose outcome will result in the development of issues related to technology management. They will be used to create a model of technology management, the assumptions of which will respond to modern needs and possibilities of manufacturing enterprises of the metal processing industry. The model can be used for practical application aimed at the provision of enterprises with innovation and competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.
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Bibliogr. 13 poz., rys., tab.
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