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Paleocene and Eocene deposits on the eastern margin of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Yantarny P-1 borehole, Kaliningrad region, Russia)

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Lithological and palynological studies of Paleogene siliciclastic deposits from the Yantarny P-1 borehole located on the western coast of the Sambian Peninsula (Kaliningrad region, Russia) show that the succession is characterized by numerous sedimentary discontinuities related to lithification horizons and erosional surfaces. Sedimentary gaps are emphasised by hardgrounds. Palynological data suggest the Selandian-Priabonian age of the succession and indicate a number of significant stratigraphic gaps. An important change in heavy mineral composition is recognized between the Paleocene and Eocene deposits in the area studied. A significant number of reworked Cretaceous microfossils is observed in the Selandian part of the succession studied.
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Bibliogr. 57 poz., fot., rys., tab., wykr.
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  • Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Marine Geology Branch, Kościerska 5, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland
  • Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
  • Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Atlantic Branch, Prospekt Mira 1, 236022 Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, A. Nevskogo 14, 236041 Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
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