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Evaluation of the electronic port right of way payment information system

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In a connected and uncertain world, where almost two thirds of the world's population are now online, the integration of digital tools in the social and economic context is becoming a priority and an imposed choice for any organization. As a result, the strategic position of the Information System (IS) in these organizations is necessarily linked to performance. The creation of added value or net benefits through the use of these platforms becomes an ultimate and strategic objective for any organization. This study evaluates the success of the information system (IS) for electronic payment of port fees. From a quantitative approach of a hypothetico-deductive nature and using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), we found that the success of the IS implies a quality of the electronic payment system, as well as the information produced influences the use and satisfaction of the users and finally these last two findings impact the individual and organizational performance of the organizations. (Net benefits).
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Bibliogr. 44 poz., rys., tab.
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