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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the method of taking into account additional external horizontal loads acting on sewer manholes within mining areas, caused by the impact of horizontal strains on the subsurface soil layer. Methods The determination of the dependencies of the changes in the cross-sections of flexible manholes’ riser pipes (with different circumferential stiffness) on the values of horizontal soil strains, based on laboratory tests. Results The results include formulas for determining the values of external horizontal loads acting on sewer manholes within mining areas, in particular flexible manholes made of thermoplastics. Practical implications The results will be used for the assessment of conditions in which sewer manholes can be used within mining areas – and will be beneficial when considering the following: design, protection and assessment of resistance to horizontal strains. Originality/ value The presented method is an original concept. It enables the determination of additional external horizontal loads acting on sewer manholes within mining areas, in particular the flexible manholes made of thermoplastics. It also enables the determination of dependencies of changes in the cross-sections of risers of flexible sewer manholes (with different circumferential stiffness) on the horizontal soil strains.
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Bibliogr. 9 poz.
- Department of Surface and Structures Protection, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland), tel.: +48 32 259 21 09, fax: +48 32 259 65 33
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