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During preliminary tests of locomotive windshield resistance to gravelling, according to the applicable standard PN-EN 15152:2007, carried out in the Institute of Aviation, the problem of the projectile overturning after leaving the cannon barrel was detected. Three tests recorded with a high-speed camera are presented in this article. This problem was found to be due to the incorrect projectile geometry. In order to stabilise the trajectory of the projectile, four types of projectiles were made using military experience. All of them meet relevant test conditions from the point of view of the test piece (locomotive windshield). The best projectile modification was obtained in the tests with an average deviation of the expected impact angle of 11º compared to 75º for a projectile made exactly according to the guidelines of the standard. Each of 22 modified projectiles hit the test piece with the tip, while out of the 12 original projectiles only 4 hit the test piece with the tip. The impact test results confirm that it is possible to perform a gravelling test according to the standard concept, but it seems necessary to clarify the standard requirements and to modify the projectile shape. The article contains a proposal for the projectile modification and highlights inaccuracies in the standard concerning the gravelling test.
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Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys.
- Centre of Space Technologies, Institute of Aviation Krakowska Av. 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+ 48 22 846 00 11 ex. 465, ex. 345, ex. 373, fax: +48 22 846 44 32
- Centre of Space Technologies, Institute of Aviation Krakowska Av. 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+ 48 22 846 00 11 ex. 465, ex. 345, ex. 373, fax: +48 22 846 44 32
- Centre of Space Technologies, Institute of Aviation Krakowska Av. 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+ 48 22 846 00 11 ex. 465, ex. 345, ex. 373, fax: +48 22 846 44 32
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2019).
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