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Comparison beech wood tension strength parallel to grain of cylindrical samples with conical and funnel tapering versus standard rectangular cross section samples

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In this paper, the influence of shape samples on tension strength parallel to grain of beech wood have been analyzed. The cylindrical samples with conical tapering and with funnel tapering were used. Both types of cylindrical samples were compared with one-sided tapered standard samples with a rectangular cross-section. Experimental outcome indicates that cylindrical samples have higher tension strength than rectangular standard ones. Whereas shape of tapering in cylindrical samples (conical or funnel) was not statistically significant. Furthermore the presentation and reanalysis of data concerning use of cylindrical samples made of seven domestic wood species from the doctoral dissertation were performed. Comparison of that data with source data about tension strength of standard rectangular samples, have proven higher tension strength parallel to grain of cylindrical samples.
art. no. 1644--3985.403.11
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 49 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Faculty of Wood Technology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Faculty of Wood Technology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Faculty of Wood Technology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Faculty of Wood Technology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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  • GOST (ГОСТ) 11493-65 [1970]: Древесина. Методы определения предела прочности при растяжении (Wood. Methods for determination of ultimate strength in tension), (withdrawn)
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  • ISO 13061 [2014]: Physical and mechanical properties of wood. Test methods for small clear wood specimens. 6: Determination of ultimate tensile stress parallel to grain (current)
  • PN-D-04107 [1954]: Fizyczne i mechaniczne właściwości drewna. Badanie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie wzdłuż włókien (Physical and mechanical properties of wood. Determination of ultimate strength in tension parallel to grain), (replaced 1981, withdrawn 1982)
  • PN-D-04107 [1981]: Drewno. Oznaczenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie wzdłuż włókien (Wood. Determination of ultimate strength in tension parallel to grain) (withdrawn 2011)
  • PN-D-04118 [1959]: Fizyczne i mechaniczne właściwości drewna. Oznaczenie współczynnika sprężystości przy rozciąganiu wzdłuż włókien (Physical and mechanical properties of wood. Determination of the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to grain), (withdrawn 2015)
  • PN-EN 408:2004 [2004]: Konstrukcje drewniane. Drewno konstrukcyjne lite i klejone warstwowo. Oznaczenie niektórych właściwości fizycznych i mechanicznych. 15: Oznaczenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie wzdłuż włókien (replaced by English 2010, see title of EN-408)
  • Warren W.H. [1911]: The strength, elasticity, and other properties of New South Wales hardwood timbers (About old cylindrical tension test used by the Department of Forestry of New South Wales), pp. 58–62, (not current)
Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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