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Problemy kalibracji mapy szczegółowej Polski w skali 1:25 000 Wojskowego Instytutu Geograficznego w Warszawie

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Problems with calibration of the detailed map of Poland in 1:25,000 published by the Military Geographical Institute (WIG) in Warsaw
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono sposoby kalibracji mapy szczegółowej Polski WIG. Z uwagi na dużą liczbę arkuszy do przetworzenia (prawie 1400), głównym założeniem było maksymalne zautomatyzowanie procedury. Za pomocą wygenerowanego indeksu przestrzennego o oczkach siatki odpowiadających podziałowi arkuszowemu mapy i w odpowiednim układzie odniesienia, ręcznie uzyskano informacje o współrzędnych geograficznych z narożników arkuszy, po czym zastosowano skrypt, za pomocą którego dopasowano arkusze do indeksu przestrzennego. Problemem okazał się niejednolity układ odniesienia mapy szczegółowej 1:25 000. Po nieudanej próbie kalibracji w układ „Borowa Góra", podzielono arkusze według obszarów byłych zaborów i zastosowano układy odniesienia charakterystyczne dla każdego z nich - „Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz" (DHDN) dla pruskiego, „Hermannskogel" dla austriackiego elipsoidę Żylińskiego dla rosyjskiego. Z uwagi na wciąż niezadowalające efekty, wydzielono dodatkowe obszary, na których zastosowano układ DHDN i „Borowa Góra", minimalizując dotychczasowe błędy kalibracji.
The article aims to present a method of semi-automatic calibration of a detailed map of Poland in 1:25,000 published in 1920s and 1930s by the Military Geographical Institute in Warsaw. The necessity of semi-automatic calibration results from the large numberof sheets (approx. 1400) which madę manuał processing impractical. Although geo-reference was determined for all available sheets (1339), only seven of them are ana-lyzed in the research paper: two from the former Austrian section of partitioned Poland (P51 S32 D „Muszyna", P50 S41 F „Zbaraż-Południe"), two from the former German section (sheet P38 S26 C „Krusz¬wica", P30 S27 F „Hel") and three from the former Russian section (P38 S27 A „Bachorce", P30 S40 H „Skorbuciany", P39 S32 H „Warszawa-Praga"). High level of detail of the map in 1:25,000 resulting from precise field measurements was assumed during the process of calibration. Thus, four control points in map corners together with their geographic coordination and pixel coordinates (x,y) should be sufficient for correct calibration. Scale, shift and rotate raster transformations were used. Automation of calibration involved generating a spa-tial index in the form of a vector grid (polygon-type object) with a single field relating to the sheet division of the map in 1:25,000, i.e. 5'»10'. After adding sheet designation to the grid, a connection between the index (vector grid with sheet designation) and map seans was established. After that geographic coordinates from sheet corners were "manually" read and entered into the database. With the spatial index including automatically obtained geographic coordinates, "manually" read geographic coordinates from sheet corners and the relation between the grid fields and the corresponding *.jpg file, it was possible to execute calibration. The script applied in the process automatically matched scanned sheets to corresponding grid fields, i.e. determined their reference system, pro¬jection and geographic coordinates. After acquiring geo-referential data, each file was transformed into a WGS-84 elipsoid. Map calibration to the "Borowa Góra" system did not bring good results, only the quality of the "Skorbuciany" sheet was sufficient (fig. 1). The contents of the remaining sheets was considerably shifted (by 200-300 m). In order to increase the calibration's precision, map sheets were divided according to the areas of former anexions of Poland and their respective reference systems were employed - "Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz" (DHDN) for the former German section, "Hermannskogel" for the Austrian section and Żylinski's ellipsoid for the Russian section. The "Hel" and the "Kruszwica" sheets from the area of the former German section were properly calibrated to the DHDN system (fig. 2), but the contents of the remaining sheets was significantly shifted (figs. 3 and 4). Considering the fact that the effects of calibration were still insufficient, additional areas were distinguished, on which the "DHDN" and the "Borowa Góra" systems were applied thus minimizing previous mistakes. About 70 % of the sheets of the map in 1:25,000 were properly calibrated.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 9 poz., mapy, rys.
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