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Purpose: This article is a monographic summary of the most important research results from the last 10 years regarding HSS based materials. This materias were produced with powder metallurgy technology using spontaneous infiltration. The presented results answer the question of how iron, tungsten carbide and copper additives influence the final properties of these materials and present additional microstructural phenomena revealed during their manufacture. Design/methodology/approach: Materials were produced by spontaneous infiltration. Porous skeletons for infiltration were produced by pressing and pressing and sintering of mixed powders. Copper was used as the infiltrant. Findings: The molten copper was drawn into the porous skeletons, through a capillary action, and filled virtually the entire pore volume to get the final densities exceeding 97% of the theoretical value. Research limitations/implications: As part of further research, microstructures of M30WC composites obtained by direct infiltration of copper into as-sintered porous skeletons using TEM are planned. Practical implications: Efficiant mechanical strength, high hardness, adequate heat resistance and good wear resistance of M3 type 2 HSS powder produced by woter atomisation make it an attractive material for manufacture of valve train components, for example valve seat inserts. Originality/value: The novelty in the article are the results of research on the microstructure made using TEM, the results of testing materials after heat treatment, untypical for highspeed steels. The article attempts to explain the influence of iron addition on properties - such a slight loss of mass as a result of its addition. The second aim of this work is to analyse the microstructural changes during sintering porous skeletons made from HSS with WC additions.
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Bibliogr. 32 poz.
- Faculty of Metal Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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