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On Multiplicative, Additive and Qualitative Pairwise Comparisons

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Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (17 ; 04-07.09.2022 ; Sofia, Bulgaria)
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A relationship between the classical multiplicative pairwise comparisons that are based on aijaji = 1, the additive model based on bij+bji = 1, and qualitative pairwise comparisons that uses the relations ≈ (indifferent), ⊏ (slightly in favour of), ⊂ (in favour of), < ( strongly better) and ≺ (extremely better), is discussed in detail. A special attention is paid to the concept of consistency and weights calculations. An on-line tool is also discussed.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., tab., wz.
  • Department of Computing and Software McMaster University Hamilton, ON, L8S 4K1, Canada
  • IBM Canada Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7, Canada
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