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The importance of innovations in the activity of commercial banks – selected problems

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Purpose: The publication aims are to present bank innovations as one of the types of financial innovations, discuss the main directions of changes in this area, and present selected products of modern banking. Design/methodology/approach: The implementation of the main objective adopted was possible due to the separation of the theoretical and practical parts in the article. The theoretical discussion was based on the method of analysis and criticism of the literature in the field of financial innovation. In turn, the empirical part, which is definitely the greater part of the article, was developed using simple statistical methods. The task of the adopted methods was to analyze quantitative data on the Polish mobile banking market. The article was based on information obtained from the reports of the Polish Bank Association and information available on the websites of the surveyed commercial banks. These data were used to diagnose the specifics of mobile banking in Poland. Findings: The obtained research results showed the importance of mobile applications not only from the point of view of the commercial bank but also the client. For banks, activity in the field of using mobile applications is an important source of acquiring a potential customer. In turn, for the customer using mobile applications means easier access to banking services and products. Originality/value: The considerations contained in the article, which are a source of information about mobile banking applications, can be enforced by both banks and their potential clients. The presented research confirmed that mobile applications currently available to customers are of decisive importance for the success and development of banks. In addition, the factor determining the maintenance of a high level of competitiveness on the mobile banking market by banks is the provision of convenient and modern methods of transaction execution.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz.
  • Częstochowa University of Technology, Management Department
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