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Ograniczenia w projektowaniu architektonicznym

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Limitations in architectural design
Języki publikacji
The subject of the present research is the problem of excessive diversification of the forms of buildings situated close to each other on a small area. A common consequence of this state of affairs is the emergence of spatial and compositional chaos, and hence the discomfort of the recipients given space up. The purpose of the research is the analysis of very strict zoning decision records and Local Land-use Plans, providing “possibilities” of varied interpretation by both designers and officials as well as investors. Collected research material from the Polish environment consists of just few examples of such records taken from many years of practice in the profession of architect. However, it indicates clearly the need for actions at a higher rate level from the local, regional, and perhaps even to prevent further spread of the chaos surrounding urban fabric and the problem of uncontrolled suburbanisation, in particular. Additional support for the thesis of implying the need for greater regulation and the introduction of specific limits for too personalised solutions are the opinions and statements of illustrious representatives of the art of architecture. Many of them say that discipline is hugely important in our profession and it should always be accompanied by clear and precisely formulated principles. That is how architecture differs from the free arts. The aim of the article is to confirm existing, worrying state of contemporary Polish reality of architectural and urban design and underline how, despite the common lack of acceptance of this state of affairs, there is still little that changes. Through the joint action of both experts from the fields of architecture and urban design, by raising awareness of our society, and also by its active participation in attempts to solve the problem, we can stand up to fight for the surrounding environment, so that it can continue to evolve on the basis of sustainable development.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
  • Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury Zakład Geometrii Wykreślnej i Perspektywy Al. Piastów 17 70-310 Szczecin
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  • 4. Marzęcki, W., Piękno narastania, Czasopismo Techniczne. Architektura, 2007, z. 13. z. 6-A, s. 98-102.
  • 5. Ostrowska, M., Człowiek a rzeczywistość przestrzenna, Autorska Oficyna Wydawnicza Nauka i Życie, Szczecin 1991.
  • 6. Piano, R., Wykład zapisany w 'Tchnology place & architecture. The Jerusalem Seminar in Architecture' edycja: Kenneth Frampton, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York, 1998, artukuł 23 czer. 2013, RENZO PIANO - WYKŁAD Z SEMINARIUM JEROZOLIMSKIEGO: TECHNOLOGY, PLACE AND ARCHITECTURE w tłumaczeniu Karola, (dostęp 3.07.2015).
  • 7. Włodarczyk, J.A., Żyć znaczy mieszkać. Dom naszych pragnień i możliwości, Wydawnictwa Naukowe PWN, Warszawa – Kraków 1997.
Opracowanie ze środków MNiSW w ramach umowy 812/P-DUN/2016 na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.
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