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Triassic-Jurassic flora of Poland; floristical support of climatic changes

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Plant macroremains from five boreholes in Poland were studied. Two of them (Huta OP-1 and Studzianna) from the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains, yielded several taxa. In the other three boreholes determinable fossil plants were sporadic, albeit important. Most of the taxa from the Huta OP-1 and Studzianna boreholes are typical of the European Early Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian). Both localities, although close to one another, show quite different taxonomic floral compositions. The Huta OP-1 flora is fern-dominated with the presence of ginkgophytes and conifers (a new species incertae sedis, Desmiophyllum harrisii Barbacka et Pacyna is herein proposed), which would suggest rather wet and warm conditions. This flora is typical of the European Province of the Euro-Sinian Region. In Studzianna the Siberian elements dominate, gymnosperms, mainly Czekanowskiales, which indicate a drier and colder environment.The palaeobotanical data correspond to the results of clay mineral studies, in particular the kaolinite/illite ratio in the source formations. The kaolinite content confirms a decrease in temperature and a reduction in rainfall in the late Early Hettangian and the latest Hettangian in the area.
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Bibliogr. 143 poz., il., Tabl. 9
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  • Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1476 Budapest, P.O. Box 222, Hungary
  • Department of Palaeobotany and Palaeoherbarium, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, ul. Lubicz 46, PL-31-512 Kraków, Poland
  • Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute, ul. Rakowiecka 4,PL-00-975 Warszawa, Poland
  • W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Lubicz 46, PL-31-512 Kraków, Poland
  • Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
  • Geological and Geophysical Collections, Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute, Stefánia út 14, Budapest, H-1143 Hungary
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