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Wykorzystanie outsourcingu w siłach zbrojnych : wybrane problemy teoretyczne i wyzwania praktycznej implementacji systemu kontraktowania usług zewnętrznych

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Use of outsourcing in armed forces : selected theoretical issues and challenges to contracting-out system implementation
Języki publikacji
The main aim of the paper is to identify the key issues and challenges of contracting-out services by the armed forces. The paper includes both the presentation of military outsourcing theory and the lessons learned from the practice of managing military logistics. Similarly, two different research methods were used in order to achieve the aim of the study: the review and analysis of the relevant literature and the interviews with experts (commanders of military logistic units). The theoretical part covers the following issues: the role of outside contractors in the area of national defence, the theoretical background of the outsourcing concept as well as the nature, definition and scope of military outsourcing. In the empirical part, the authors indentify the lessons learned from the implementation of the contracting-out system in the Polish Armed Forces and the issues in this area which require further scientific exploration.
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