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Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify and to assess barriers to the purchase of organic food from local producers in the opinion of consumers. Three groups of barriers were analyzed, i.e. product-related barriers, barriers related to consumers and barriers related to the communication process, depending on such consumer characteristics as: gender, age, education, place of residence and wealth. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis includes the opinions of all surveyed consumers of organic food and, for comparison, the opinions of a selected group of consumers who buy a local product. The empirical material of the work consists of the results of a survey conducted among 850 organic food consumers in Poland. The research was conducted in December 2020 using the CAWI method. Findings: The research shows that, among the barriers to purchasing organic food from local producers analyzed in this paper, barriers related to the product, including its high price, are of the greatest importance for consumers, which especially applies to consumers buying local organic food products. On the other hand, the remaining barriers, i.e. those related to consumers and the communication process, are of little importance for the surveyed consumers. Originality/value: The article presents the barriers to the purchase of organic food from local producers, three groups of barriers were analyzed, i.e. product-related barriers, barriers related to consumers and barriers related to the communication process.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz.
- University of Rzeszow, Institute of Economic and Finance, Rzeszow
- University of Rzeszow, Institute of Economic and Finance, Rzeszow
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