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This paper presents the concepts and development of an intelligent system that integrates both a decision support system (DSS) and an expert system (ES) to provide guidance to the decision-maker during the wool grading and classification process. Although uniformity of wool grading can be achieved easily on the basis of quantifiable characteristics such as fibre diameter, staple length and strength, and vegetable matter and content by using an expert system, some other characteristics which are not quantifiable such as the type of vegetable matter, the weathering of the fibre, crimp definition, matting of the fibre and the appearance of the wool have to be judged through the eyes of the human expert. It is for this reason that the intelligent system incorporates the additional component of a decision support system to enable the human component to come into play.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., wykr.
- National University of Science and Technology, Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Telephone: (+263-9) 282842/ 289256, Fax: (+263-9) 286803
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Fibre, Textile and Clothing Centre, Box 1124, Gomery Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000, Telephone: (+27-41) 508-3200, Fax: (+27-41) 583-2325
- Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University P.O. Box 7700, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6003 Tel: (+27-41) 508 3260, Fax: (+27-41) 508 3268
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Fibre, Textile and Clothing Centre, Box 1124, Gomery Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000, Telephone: (+27-41) 508-3200, Fax: (+27-41) 583-2325
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Fibre, Textile and Clothing Centre, Box 1124, Gomery Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000, Telephone: (+27-41) 508-3200, Fax: (+27-41) 583-2325
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Fibre, Textile and Clothing Centre, Box 1124, Gomery Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000, Telephone: (+27-41) 508-3200, Fax: (+27-41) 583-2325
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Fibre, Textile and Clothing Centre, Box 1124, Gomery Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 6000, Telephone: (+27-41) 508-3200, Fax: (+27-41) 583-2325
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