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Osvoenie melkovodnogo sel’fa Arktiki s primeneniem samopod’emnoj mobil’noj ledostojkoj burovoj platformy teleskopiceskogo tipa

Warianty tytułu
The development of shallow shelf in the Arctic with mobile jack-up drilling rig ice-resistant telescopic type
Geopetrol 2012 : Nowoczesne technologie pozyskiwania węglowodorów w warunkach lądowych i morskich : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna
Języki publikacji
Russia has the largest transit zone. Areas with depths of 0-20 m are characterized as significant oil and gas resources, the relative availability of development, specificity of administrative status, and relatively short terms of realization with lower capital costs than during the development of deepwater fields. It's clear that, the coastal shallow water is a promising development target. For the exploration and development drilling in the Arctic shallow-water jack-Mobile proposed the construction of ice-resistant drilling platform telescopic type. The proposed solution is decorated patent application RU 2011126812 from 29.06.2011. The platform consists of a bottom ballastable plate with a built-in reference block and the upper structure. The design of the platform provides: — simplification of transport, reduction of construction works in the harsh climatic conditions at depths of 3 to 24 m with weak soils; — accelerating field commissioning by providing year-round drilling platforms in the Arctic.
Słowa kluczowe
  • RGU nefti i gaza im. I. M. Gubkina, g. Moskva
  • RGU nefti i gaza im. I. M. Gubkina, g. Moskva
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