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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to assess the possibility of using narrative attributes applied in film and literary works for creating tourism products based on the attitudes and preferences of potential tourists with different levels of narrative. Design/methodology/approach: In the research procedure, desk research was used to define the attitudes and preferences of potential tourists, which were examined in terms of sensitivity to narrative related to the place. Then, an online survey (CAWI) was conducted among 200 respondents who were asked a sequence of questions about attitudes towards narratives related to the setting of the plot appearing in literary works. On this basis, potential tourists were divided into 3 groups: people with a low, medium and high level of sensitivity to narrative related to the place. In addition, they were asked to indicate their propensity to visit places related to film and literary works, and finally to determine the importance of various factors (pull factors) influencing the perception of the narrative. In the study, it was assumed that the tourist development of a given town can be intensified if a given place can be associated by potential tourists with a story that is described in a novel, film or series appearing in pop culture. Findings: The highest declarative inclination to visit a plot-related place is represented by people with a high level of sensitivity to narrative, which is in line with expectations. However, people with its low level more often decide to visit a described place. This may be due to their emotional insufficiency related to the narrative. Probably, when planning tourist trips, they want to become a "real" part of the plot. On the other hand, people with a high level of sensitivity are most emotionally attached to the narrative and, despite a higher declarative tendency towards visiting places related to the plot, they less often decide to actually travel. The lowest tendency to visit places related to the plot was declared by undecided people (with an average level of sensitivity to narrative) who, at the same time, constituted the largest group in the study. People responsible for film tourism should focus on this group. Places related to film and literary works in their home country are most often visited. Research limitations/implications: It is worth empirically verifying the possibility of developing film and literary tourism products based on fictional places related to fantasy films and series, not only such well-known and developed products as “Game of Thrones” or “Harry Potter”, but also other productions, because they are very popular and have a group of loyal fans. It is also worth using the criterion of sensitivity to narration as a moderator in future research. Practical implications: The group of people with an average level of sensitivity to narrative is the most attractive group for the authorities of territorial units due to their size. There are 4 narrative features that are worth considering to attract this group to the place: the attractive plot of the film, the experience/skills of the actors, the actors selected for the role and the actor's portrayal of the character, i.e. acting skills. In the promotional policy, it seems necessary to use the presence of actors and recreate the most attractive scenes from the film's plot in the design of promotional campaigns and the film tourism product itself. Originality/value: The article contains a list of attributes that can be used in a promotional campaign of a place related to a literary or film work. These attributes are perceived differently by various target groups divided according to the criterion of sensitivity to narration. The paper is addressed to the authorities of territorial units, both at national and local levels, and to people involved in the tourist development of a territorial unit.
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