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Shear stress in measuring section of the sample with modified wood

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The shear strength of anisotropic materials is carried out on the special samples and on the appropriate instrumentation. Research conducted to obtain a homogenous state of the shear stress in the plane sample is difficult, and involve numerous occurrence of additional stress. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the shear strength. The wood composites are classified as orthotropic materials. In addition, are composed of the layers early wood and latewood. The layers have different thicknesses and exhibit different strength properties. The principal method for determining the shear stress is the trial of twisting of thin-walled tubes. Production of the pipe samples from the wood to determine the shear stress is impossible, due to annual rings. Beginning of destruction of samples under load was registered by a prototype device. This device makes the realization of plane state of stress in the sample possible. The position of the axis of the sample relative to the direction of the load can be varied. Such configuration axle of the sample to the loading direction, allows to perform, also stretching or compression besides to shear. The tests were performed for the natural wood and surface modified wood. The paper presents an original method and device designed to determine the shear strength of anisotropic materials on the example of natural wood and a surface modified wood.
  • Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Marine Engineering Morska Street 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland tel.: 694-476-390
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