Warianty tytułu
Groundwater levels and water storage changes in fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat located at forest Promotional Complex Lasy Rychtalskie area
Języki publikacji
The paper presents the results of researches carried out in hydrological year 2008/2009 in fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat located in neighborhood pond No. 6 in Laski Forestry. The forests of this forestry are located at Siemianice Experimental Forest Farm of Poznan. University of Life Sciences. The predominant tree species is 100 year old pine. In the soil cover of this habitat dominated dear brown soils, and the most common type of soil is loamy sand, covering silty clay deposits. Analysis of groundwater levels and water storage changes was carried out in two soil profiles typical for fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat. Analysis of hydrological year 2008/2009 was normal rainfall total was 579 mm and it was 7 mm higher, than multiannual average, while the air temperature was nearing from average. Winter half-year was medium dry rainfall total was 46 mm less, than multiannual average. Whereas medium air temperature was higher 0,4 C than average. Summer half-year analysis year was medium wet rainfall total was higher 53 mm than multiannual average, while the air temperature was nearing from average. The researches carried out indicate that in winter half-year 2008/2009 was in analysis habitat income water storages in layer 0-100 cm and from 100 cm to lowest groundwater level. Total income retention in this half-year was at level 204 mm in profile 1.1' to 370 mm in profile 2.6. Whereas in medium dry winter half-year, in influence intensive forests habitat transpiration, occurred losses retention in analysis forest habitat. Total losses retention in this half-year was about 277 m (2.6) to 467 mm (1.1'). Result of the researches confirmed also, that retention in fresh forest habitats was determined to a large extent by water storage changes in layer from 100cm to lowest ground water level. This factors determinate total water storage changes in winter, and summer half-year analysis year. Ascertain also that in analysis hydrological year in investigation forest habitat occurred losses water storages oscillate from 73 mm to 97 mm.
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Bibliogr. 10 poz., tab., rys.
- Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Poznań
- Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Poznań
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