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Progress and achievements in the field of medical knowledge, technical sciences and materials engineering related to the broadly understood aspects of human health and life have intensively influenced the development of technologies used in the production of permanent prosthetic restorations. Ceramic materials and metal alloys with a wide range of applications in the manufacture of prosthetic restorations deserve special attention. The combination of the positive features of these two materials, with different chemical and physical properties, made it possible to obtain prosthetic structures that meet the strength and aesthetic requirements. Despite the dynamic development of more and more new techniques, devices and materials for the production of prosthetic restorations, metal-ceramic constructions are still a reliable and dominant method of making dental restorations of permanent crowns and bridges. Their quality and durability is largely influenced by the method of connecting the ceramic facing material with the metal base. There are three types of connections: physical, mechanical and chemical. The basis of the physical connection is the selection of appropriate thermal expansion coefficients of both materials. It is related to the compressive stresses occurring during the cooling of the fired ceramics. The formation of depressions on the surface of the framework causes retention and microretention, thanks to which the surface of ceramic-metal adhesion increases. The chemical connection ensures the formation of a controlled oxide layer on the metal base due to the content of elements such as gallium, indium or iron.
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art. no. 152926
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys.
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