Warianty tytułu
The Use of Semivariance Analysis in the Assessment of Pollution of River Waters in the Agricultural Landscape
Języki publikacji
Geostatistical analysis are used in the natural sciences to the study of spatial dependency. In this study, an analysis of semivariance was used to describe the spatial variability of stream power and movement of dissolved compounds from the catchment. This method allowed for the identification of pollution sources in the catchment, especially in drained agricultural catchments. Research carried out in the agricultural catchment near Bialystok. Hydrochemical profile was performed under different conditions of flow at low, medium and high water levels of the river. Although each period was characterized by different hydrological conditions, but a common characteristic was the fact that the study was conducted in the winter season, during the period of plant dormancy. Hydrochemical profile made by measuring the electrical conductivity values measured every 10 m along the river. That was used for the analysis of semivariance. On this basis, it was found that the spatial correlation between samples of water in the stream is readable over a distance of about 140 meters. Above the distance the signal created by the source of the dissolved chemical compounds disappears, and the water stops its composition refer to the chemistry of the source. In the case of the analyzed catchment potential sources of pollution, were drainage systems. Because, they are arranged exactly as 130–140 m. Therefore, the analysis of semivariance allowed the identification pollution sources in a catchment.
Opis fizyczny
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