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The first part of the paper explains the need for combining message encryption and authentication. We begin with the example to emphasize the fact that privacy‡ does not imply authenticity. Then we prove, one needs both privacy and authenticity, even if one's aim is just getting privacy. In the second part we present an overview of different methods for providing authenticated encryption (AE) i.e. generic compositions, single-pass modes and two-pass combined modes. We analyze what are the advantages and disadvantages of different AE constructions. In the third part of the paper we focus on nonce§ based authenticated encryption modes. Our motivation is the wish to know the methodology of designing authenticated encryption mode of operation. We take into consideration a few most important properties, e.g. parallelizability, memory requirements and pre-processing capability. We analyze possibilities of choice of underlying encryption and authentication components and their order in a message we also try to answer. What does single-key mode really mean? Finally we mention the importance of provable security theory in the security of authenticated encryption modes.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 25 poz., rys.
- Military Communication Institute, 05-130 Zegrze, Poland
- Military Communication Institute, 05-130 Zegrze, Poland
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