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Low-budget DAB/DAB+/DMB broadcast station built using Open Source tools and software
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano funkcje użytkowe standardu radiofonii cyfrowej DAB/DAB+/DMB (Digital Audio Broadcasting/Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus/Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) oraz zademonstrowano i opisano parametry stacji czołowej dla powyższego standardu wykonanej za pomocą układów FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) oraz komputerów z oprogramowaniem Linux. Przedstawiono schemat budowy systemu tanich stacji nadawczych, których architektura będzie składać się z komputera lub komputerów i uktadów nadawczych zbudowanych za pomocą układów FPGA.
The scope of this article is to present readers utility functionalities of digital radio standard DAB/DAB+/DMB (Digital Audio Broadcasting/Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus/Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) and to demonstrate and describe the parameters of the head-end station for the standard which is to build using FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) circuits and computers with Linux software. The authors present a diagram of the system which could be the basis for building of low-cost head-ends consisting of a computer or computers and broadcasting systems built using FPGA circuits.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys.
- Instytut Informatyki, Automatyki i Robotyki, Politechnika Wrocławska
- Instytut Informatyki, Automatyki i Robotyki, Politechnika Wrocławska
- Instytut Informatyki, Automatyki i Robotyki, Politechnika Wrocławska
- Radio Wrocław S.A.
- [1] Rzeczpospolita, artykuł: Bolid na drewnianych kotach, źródło: http://www.ekonomia.rp.pl/artykul/1087725- Bolid-na-drewnianych-kolach.html
- [2] ETSI TR 101 495 V1.1.1 - Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Guide to DAB standards; Guidelines and Bibliography
- [3] ETSI TS 102 563 - Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Transport of Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio
- [4] IEEE IEEE 802.11 : IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements
- [5] ETSI EN 300 468 - V1.7.1 - Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for Service Information (SI) in DVB systems
- [6] 3GPP UTRA-UTRAN Long Term Evolution (LTE) and 3GPP System ArchitectureEvolution (SAE)
- [7] DAB Digital Radio http://www.ukdigitalradio.com/ - strona internetowa
- [8] EBU Recommendation R 138 Digital Radio Distribution in Europe- Luty 2013
- [9] ETSI TS 102 361-2V2.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Systems;Part 2 OMR voice and generic services and facilities
- [10] ETSI EN 300 401 Radio broadcasting systems; Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) to mobile, portable and fixed receivers
- [11] WordDMB http://www.worlddab.org/
- [12] Rzeczpospolita http://www.ekonomia.rp.pl/artykul/705506,1089598-Radio-dla-wszystkich.html
- [13] EBU - Recommendation R 126; Digital Radio broadcasting: Common European Digital Radio Profiles https:/tech.ebu.ch/docs/r/r126.pdf
- [14] IEEE, IEEE Std 802.16TM-2009, Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems - IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society - Maj 2009
- [15) Teracom - Teracom White Paper: Can the cellular networks cope with linear radio broadcasting? - http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/teracom/documents/teracom-white-paper-31336
- [16] Serwis internetowy http://www.opendigitalradio.org/
- [17] IEEE 802.3 IEEE Standard for Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements
- [18] ETSI ETS 300799 Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Distribution interfaces; Ensemble Transport Interface (ETI)
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