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Spatial development involves planning, organizing, and managing physical spaces in cities, regions, or countries, aiming to optimize efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life through land arrangement, resource allocation, and infrastructure management. This study examines spatial management in Poland, guided by the 2003 law on spatial planning and development, exploring its hierarchical structure ensuring spatial order and policy implementation. Recent legislative amendments on July 2023, are scrutinized, impacting spatial planning by emphasizing public participation and introducing tools like the municipal general plan and Urban Register. The study delves into the evolving process of issuing WZ Decisions and integrating public consultations. It assesses amendments' effects on stakeholder involvement and legal framework changes in practice. Public participation principles are analyzed, detailing stakeholder roles, engagement nature, and legal mechanisms in spatial planning processes. Furthermore, the study investigates the introduction of the general municipal plan, zoning categorization, and the new WZ Decisions' compliance procedure. The creation of the Urban Register is discussed, highlighting its functionalities and intended role as a comprehensive spatial planning and development information source. In summary, this study offers a comprehensive analysis of recent legislative changes in Poland's spatial planning and development, focusing on practical implications and the evolving landscape of public participation and spatial governance within the country.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz.
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