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Development in power quality investigations has delivered prominent progress in methodology and technology dedicated to monitoring and assessment of generated and distributed power. Natural consequence of this progress is wide market of power quality analysers. Unfortunately, there is lack of compatibility of usefulness for available at the market devices, especially in point of software flexibility in presentation of recorded data, selection and active creation of power quality report. Moreover, some problems can appear when we have to compare power quality indices using different analysers. This work presents an idea of software based on Visual Basic application in Microsoft Excel environment dedicated to standardization of power quality data recorded by different devices. The main motivation of the efforts is to obtain the possibilities to streamline analysis in case of wide area monitoring, when we have at disposal data delivered in different formats associated with different devices. Proposed pilot software called NDP was implemented for products as Fluke 435, Fluke 1744, Fluke 1760, and A. Eberle PQBox 100..
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz., rys.
- Wrocław University of Technology
- Wrocław University of Technology
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- [4] IEEE Std. 1159 2009 - Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality.
- [5] IEEE Std. 1159-2003 - Recommended Practice for the Transfer of Power Quality Data.
- [6] IEEE Std. C37.111-1999 - Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE) for Power Systems.
- [7] PQDIF Electrical Power Research Institute User Group http://pqdif.epri.com
- [8] PQView - multi-component software for building and analyzing databases of power quality and energy measurements, http://www.pqview.com
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