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Radiation effects on oscillating vertical plate with uniform heat and mass flux

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Thermal radiation effects on flow past an impulsively started infinite vertical oscillating plate with uniform heat and mass flux is studied. The fluid considered here is a gray, absorbing-emitting radiation but a nonscattering medium. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity, temperature and concentration are studied for different physical parameters such as the radiation parameter, phase angle, Schmidt number and time. The variation of the skin-friction for different values of the parameters is also shown in a table.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., tab., wykr.
  • Department of Mathematics Bharathi Women’s College No. 34/2, Ramanujam Garden Street, Pattalam Chennai - 600 012, India
  • Department of Mathematics Bharathi Women’s College No. 34/2, Ramanujam Garden Street, Pattalam Chennai - 600 012, India
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