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Airports play a crucial role in mitigation of seismic-induced disasters, being key elements in rescue operations after an earthquake. Under earthquake loading, various airport compo- nents can be damaged because of the ground shaking. It is well known that seismic ampli- fication of ground motion at the surface is strongly influenced by geotechnical properties of the soil deposits. In this paper, the spatial variability of ground amplification is assessed with reference to an international airport in Northern Italy. Homogeneous zones from a seismic geotechnical viewpoint were identified at the airport and, for each zone, stochastic ground response analyses carried out.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., rys., tab.
- European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, Eucentre, Pavia, Italy
- European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, Eucentre, Pavia, Italy
- European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, Eucentre, Pavia, Italy
- European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, Eucentre, Pavia, Italy
- European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, Eucentre, Pavia, Italy
- Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Rome, Italy
- Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Rome, Italy
- Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Rome, Italy
- Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Rome, Italy
- Italian Department of Civil Protection, Rome, Italy
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2020).
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