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Paleomagnetyzm, a odrodzenie teorii Wegenera : synopsis

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Palaeomagnetism and revival of Wegener’s theory : a synopsis
Języki publikacji
This article envisages turning points in the process of implementation of the continental drift hypothesis to the knowledge on the development of the Earth’s crust. In the author’s opinion, they were most of all linked with the development of palaeomagnetism, a discipline integrating methods of geophysics and geology. Alfred Wegener has been included into the Science Hall of Fame, thanks to studies by Brunhes on inversely magnetized rocks of Auvergne, discovery of geomagnetic inversions of Icelandic lavas by Hospers, polar wander paths construction by Creer and Irving, ending with Pangea reconstruction by Bullard, Everett and Smith, bridging the concept of continental drift and plate tectonics theory.
Opis fizyczny
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