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The Influence of Deep Drawing Parameters on Stresses and Strains in Drawing Tools in the Context of their Durability and Process Load

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This publication presents the influence of selected parameters in the deep drawing process on the energy consumption of the entire process. It was analysed how die clearance and the radius of the rounded working edge of the die affect drawing force and work. Modifying these parameters does not directly affect the geometry of the finished stamped product. In addition, it was analysed how modifying the clearance and the radius of the rounding of the working edge of the die affects the magnitudes of stresses and strains in the tools, i.e. the punch and the die. The study was carried out numerically using Ansys Ls-Dyna software. An elastic-plastic model with isotropic hardening was used to model the tools without considering strain rate. This approach makes it possible to assess how a given process will affect the abrasive wear of the working surfaces of the die and punches when the yield stress in the tool material is exceeded. A significant increase in tool life was observed through a reduction in plastic deformation when using clearances greater than the thickness of the sheet metal. Using a larger die edge rounding radius also positively affected tool life, maximum drawing force, and total work.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys.
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
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