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Evaluation of the effects of the application of Ti−C:H DLC coatings obtained by PVD techniques in the kinematic pairs of internal combustion engines and powertrain systems

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The article attempts to analyze the possible effects of using Ti−C:H DLC carbon coatings produced by pulsed magnetron sputtering (PVD) to reduce friction coefficient and wear in kinematic pairs found in internal combustion engines and powertrain systems used in automotive vehicles. The aim of such action is primarily to reduce internal losses in the aforementioned units. The coatings were deposited on heat-treated bearing steel 100Cr6, and examined using a scanning electron microscope FEI Quanta 200 Mark II with the chemical analyzer EDS EDAX Genesis XM 2i, tribotester T−01M examining the friction coefficient in the ball-disc correlation and Hommel Werke T8000 profilometers, additionally, in order to check the coating thickness, studies were carried out using the Calotest method. The results obtained indicate that both the friction coefficient and wear are drastically reduced concerning samples on which no DLC coatings were applied.
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Bibliogr. 44 poz., il. (w tym kolor.), 1 wykr.
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Transport Engineering, University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland
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