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Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the quality control methods used in companies producing packaging and to obtain knowledge of the scope of the use of optical sensors. Design/methodology/approach: Enterprises located in Poland in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, producing paper, board, corrugated and plastic packaging. The triangulation strategy was used in the study in which Computer Assisted Web Interview (CATI), Individual In-depth Interviews (IDIs), and Case Study were applied. The subject of research was the identification of quality control methods at individual stages of packaging production and the responsibility for carrying it out, as well as the method of presenting the control results. In addition, the use of optical sensors for quality control was assessed. Findings: Digitalization of manufacturing leading to the Industry 4.0 concept provides novel tools for quality control and data storing. It enables real-time data collection and processing for even better even better management of the production process and quality control. However, the concept of Industry 4.0 (including Big Data Analysis, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks) is not new, still many companies find it difficult to implement it and benefit from its capabilities. The surveyed packaging companies are characterized by low use of the possibilities related to the use of more advanced methods of product quality control at individual stages of the production process. The potential for improvement is the area of process and product control through the use of optical sensors/actuators, etc., and the form of keeping records of the product quality checks carried out. Research limitations/implications: The results of this research are not representative, but they encourage the authors to carry out a broader and more in-depth analysis of the research subject on a national scale. Practical implications: Research indicates the need to improve the quality control process in the production of packaging and a wider use of modern solutions with the use of optical sensors. Originality/value: An article can be an element influencing the management to better select quality control methods at various stages of the production process.
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- Poznań University of Economics and Business, Institute of Quality Science
- Poznań University of Economics and Business, Institute of Management
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