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Managing the process of adjusting the competences of employees aged forty or over to the requirements of industry 4.0

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The article presents the preliminary results of research in the field of preparing employees aged forty or over to the challenges of industry 4.0. Based on literature research and the results of own research, an assessment of the current human resources in the automotive industry was presented, with a particular emphasis on the age structure and digital competences. The main barriers in the process of preparing forty-plus employees to the requirements of the work environment 4.0 were identified. Existing training methods were assessed. It was indicated that PBL in the field of acquiring digital competences in the group of forty-plus employees has great potential to achieve the success rate of bridging the digital competency gap.
art. no. e2022014
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 48 poz., il., wykr.
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  • Department of Production Engineering and Safety, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
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