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Geochemical and tectonic characteristics of manganese mineralization in the Yozgat region, Turkey

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North of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex and bordered by the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone, mineralization occurs within ophiolites known as Anatolian Ophiolite Complex. The mineralization is present within banded, laminated and lenticular radiolarites which are intensely fractured and folded. It is distributed around Derbent, Baltasarilar, Cihanpasa, Buyukmahal, Eymir and Kadisehri where pyrolusite, psilomelane, manganite and braunite comprise the main paragenesis and jacobsite, magnetite, limonite and goethite are minor phases. The negative Eu anomaly suggests that the hydrothermal source was distant from the mineralization area or was mixed with seawater. All samples from the Cihanpasa and Buyukmahal areas have a negative Ce anomaly and resemble low-temperature hydrothermal mineral deposits. Samples from other locations (Derbent, Baltasarilar, Cihanpasa, Eymir, Buyukmahal, Tarhana) are characterized by both negative and positive Ce anomalies. From this it can be inferred that both hydrothermal and hydrogenetic processes were active in mineralization. High Ba contents and a LREE-enriched pattern together with negative Ce anomalies and trace element distributions indicate that the mineralization in the area was derived from a primary hydrothermal source. In addition, diagenetic and epigenetic processes may also have played an important role in the manganese mineralization.
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art. no. 31
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Bibliogr. 80 poz., fot., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Bozok University, Department of Geological Engineering, Yozgat, Turkey
  • Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Department of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Balıkesir, Turkey
  • Bozok University, Department of Geological Engineering, Yozgat, Turkey
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