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The changes in technology have led to a synchronous change in the clothing design method, as well as media and artistic aesthetics in the same period. The intelligence algorithm is constantly increasing its participation in development and production in the clothing industry. In this study, a variety of intelligent algorithms, including the parameterised numer state algorithm, Generative Adversarial Networks, and style transfer were introduced into the multi-links of clothing product design and development, such as clothing shape, print pattern, texture craft, product vision, and so on. Then, an innovative clothing design method based on the cooperation of the intelligent algorithm and various human functional roles was constructed. The method improves the efficiency of the multiple links of clothing design, such as generating 10000 printing patterns every 72.12 seconds, and completing the migration of 92.7 frames of the garment process style every second. To a certain extent, this study realizes the scale economy of clothing design and reduces its marginal cost through the unlimited computing power brought about by Moore’s law of digital technology, which provides a reference for the exploration of clothing design in the era of industry 4.0.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., tab.
- Jiangnan University, School of Design, 214122, Wuxi, China
- Jiangnan University, School of Design, 214122, Wuxi, China
- Jiangnan University, School of Design, 214122, Wuxi, China
- Fudan University, School of Computer Science and Technology, 200125, Shanghai, China
- Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, 20158, Milan, Italy
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