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The problem of the genesis and relief of glacial basins: the case of the Ugoszcz - Żałe area, the Dobrzyń Moraine Plateau

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The Ugoszcz-Żale glacial basin has a predisposition, in the top of the Tertiary (a depression with a full stratigraphic profile of the Pleistocene). The greatest influence on the relief was exerted by Vistulian inland ice. It was formed as a result of the actions of basal ice-currents integrated into the composite icestream of inland ice. In the Leszno and Poznan phases, an intensive exaration of the substratum and its subglacial erosion (glacial and tluvioglacial) appear. At the time of the maximum extent of the Vistulian inland ice, glacial, fluvioglacial and polygenetic channels, as well as glacial basins and troughs and also glacial levels and core forms of many drumlins may have been formed.The next stage of the subglacial morphogenesis was the Kujawy-Dobrzyh sub-phase, characterised by the instability of the edge of the inland ice (ingressions with the nature of ice surges). They caused the transformation of the relief of the basin and its surroundings (moraine levels and drumlinised remodelling of the substratum, the thrust-accumulation of marginal forms and the linal formation of the outline of the relief during the areal deglaciation of the area). The consequence of these morphogenetic phenomena is the complex relations of the forms occurring here.
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Bibliogr. 39 poz., rys.
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