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The aim of the paper is to present the practical use of a combination involving two multicriteria methods: AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and TOPIS (The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), in order to expertly assess the level of sustainable development of counties in the West Pomeranian Province in 2010 and 2017. The article was divided into two main parts. The theoretical (methodological) part contains the characteristics of AHP and TOPSIS methods; in turn, the results of the analysis were presented in the empirical part. The main source of statistical data is the annual report published by Statistical Office in West Pomeranian Province, which contains the information on most important development areas (e.g. population, ecology, pollution, health, employment, macroeconomics, transport, tourism, agriculture, etc.). In other words, the purpose of the article is to build a synthetic measure of sustainable development, which will take into account socio-economic determinants for deliberately selected entities from a regional perspective. This approach will allow a detailed analysis of sustainable development according to the adopted criteria for 2010 and 2017, and may be the basis for further investigations in order to look for more complex dependencies among the factors which determine sustainable development of the studied phenomena and objects.
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