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Microbiological pollution of soils and surface waters of the Pokuttia-Bukovyna Carpathians

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Based on the analysis of a number of studies, it was found that to assess the state of the environment (including surface waters and soils) it is advisable to use indicators of microbiological pollution, which in general integrally reflect the state of the ecosystem. To assess the dynamics of changes in the pollution of the studied areas, a comparison of monitoring data with the corresponding level of pollution in protected areas (Vyzhnytsia National Nature Park) was used. Research methods included soil and surface water sampling, inoculation on appropriate nutrient selective media, counting of colony forming units (CFU) and other microbiological indicators. To assess the biological activity of soils, urease activity was determined by a method generally accepted in biochemistry. It is established that within the protected areas, despite some existing annual fluctuations, the relative stability of the studied indicators of the hydrosphere is preserved. Studies have shown that soils of anthropogenically altered landscapes are characterised by a high content of sanitary-indicative bacteria. As our research shows, according to the colony forming units (CFU), total microbial count, and titer of Escherichia coli, the soils selected in the protected area of the Vyzhnytsia National Nature Park correspond to the “pure” level. The soils of the territories out of the National Nature Park are characterised by high biological capacity, as evidenced by the level of activity of the enzyme urease and the ratio of the main forms of nitrogen compounds.
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