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This work presents studies concerning the relationship between reduction of glass transition temperature Trg and the glass-forming ability of FeCoB-based alloys. On the basis of theoretical considerations, Turnbull [1] determined the reduced glass transition temperature (Tg/Tl) as being 2/3 of the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann (VFT) temperature; since then, continuous research has been carried out, aiming to calculate the Trg parameter and describe its relationship with glass-forming ability. In the majority of research papers, the reduced glass transition temperature is calculated from the relationship Tg/Tm, proposed by Uhlmann and Davies [2, 3]. On the basis of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies, undertaken in this current work, the values of the following temperatures have been found: Tg, Tx, Tm and Tl, in addition to the temperature ranges: ΔTx, ΔTm and ΔTl. The correlation between: Tg/Tm, Tg/Tl and the glass-forming ability also has been discussed. Finally, for the investigated alloys, it has been found that the relationship proposed by Turnbull is reliable over a wide range of ΔTm.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 41 poz., rys., tab., wykr., wzory
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
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