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Alternative ignition source for testing dust explosion characteristics in closed vessel

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To investigate the dust explosion characteristics for lycopodium and niacin at various concentrations the experimental study was performed in 20-litre spherical chamber made of stainless steel. The initial conditions of tested dusts were 1 bar and 200C. By means of pressure measuring system with two piezoelectric PCB transducers, the pressure-time curves that developed following the ignition were recorded. Instead of two chemical ignitors each of 5 kJ we developed our own new high-voltage spark generator. The idea of applied circuit in HV-spark generator is described in ASTM E-2019 and EN 13821. High-voltage pulse generated in the secondary coil of high-voltage transformer creates the spark breakdown of the gap between electrodes installed in the center of 20-litre sphere.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 9 poz., rys., tab.
  • Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Heat Engineering, Nowowiejska 21/25, 00 - 665 Warsaw, Poland
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