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Background: The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study on barriers to data exchange in supply chains between logistics service providers (3PL and 4PL) and their customers in Poland. The study investigates two research hypotheses regarding the relationships between the size of a company and the role of a logistics service provider in the electronic data exchange between their business partners. Methodology: Bayesian ordinal regression was used to assess the reliability of the research hypotheses. The study used survey data from a population of 78 logistics service providers operating in Poland. Feedback was received from 51 respondents. Originality of the presented research results from the applied research method, Bayesian ordinal regression, rarely used in economic sciences to assess the reliability of research hypotheses concerning the determination of determinants of the studied phenomenon. The defined research hypotheses represent an important contribution to the research on communication in supply chains. Results: The results indicate that the level of the employment and the role of logistics service provider in a supply chain do not determine the extent of problems in electronic communication between the logistics operator and customers.
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- Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
- Poznan School of Logistics, Poznań, Poland
- Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
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