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Chemical composition, floating matter and suspending matter in two river of microcatchments with contrasting afforestation
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In the paper results of monitoring quantity and quality of water on areas of different land utilization were analyzed. The analysis was carried out on the basis of measurements made in hydrological years 1998-2000 in the Hutka (0.52 km2) and the Potaszka (1.33 km2) river catchments. These catchments are located near Poznań in the southem part of the Wielkopolska Lake District, Poland. Obtained reduction of out flow in the afforested Hutka catchment, on the contrary to the arabie utilized Potaszka catchment are significant. Water ąuality of the investigated rivers was evaluated as good. The water of the Potaszka river was in the first class of cleanness (Polish standards). Whereas in the Hutka river water in summer and autumn months, very low concentration of dissolved oxygen and high concentration (and contents) of phosphates were noted. The phosphates from soluble compounds of phosphorus were produced in anaerobic conditions. Significant differences of out flow pollution contents (nutrients) in water were not proved in the investigated rivers. Quantity of floating matter in river of the Hutka forest microcatchment was significantly smaller than in the Potaszka river draining water from extensively used arable lands.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., rys., tab.
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