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Theories of war in practice : causes and termination (in the example of the Second Karabakh War)

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Most military operations, military campaigns and wars in history have lasted longer than expected. Why do wars last longer than expected? In general, what factors determine the duration of the war? These are some of the questions that researchers think about the most. It should be noted that in order to draw reasonable conclusions about the duration of wars, they must be grouped according to their characteristics. Wars vary in intensity and scale. While some wars lasted for years, even decades, others lasted only a few days. Some wars involved only two countries, some took on a global scale. In some wars, limited battles took place and some have been engraved in history with heavy destruction. In many cases, while countries mobilize the whole society for war, some do not see the need for it. The article depicts the essence of the theories of war regarding the causes and termination, substantiates the link between them and highlights the factors that affect the duration of the war. The results of the analysis of the the Second Karabakh War and the conditions of peace have been presented. Opinions have been put forward about the outcomes of the war.
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