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Light Weight Clustered Trust Sensing Mechanism for Internet of Things Network

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Internet of Things (IoT) is the new research paradigm which has gained a great significance due to its widespread applicability in diverse fields. Due to the open nature of communication and control, the IoT network is more susceptible to several security threats. Hence the IoT network requires a trust aware mechanism which can identify and isolate the malicious nodes. Trust Sensing has been playing a significant role in dealing with security issue in IoT. A novel a Light Weight Clustered Trust Sensing (LWCTS) model is developed which ensures a secured and qualitative data transmission in the IoT network. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed model and the performance is compared with existing models. The obtained results prove the effectiveness when compared with existing approaches.
  • Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, India
  • Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, India
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