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Determination of the lipophilicity of new azaphenothiazines by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography

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The lipophilicity R M0 and log P TLC of thirteen novel, potentially biologically active, 12 H -quino[3,4- b] [1,4] benzothiazinium salts have been determined by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography using RP-18 silica plates and methanol-aqueous Tris buffer solution mixtures as mobile phases. R M values of the compounds were linearly dependent on methanol concentration; extrapolation of these to 0% methanol gave the lipophilicity R M0 . log P TLC was obtained from R M0 by use of a calibration curve obtained for five standards of known experimental lipophilicity (log P). Lipophilicity log P calcd for the thirteen quinobenzothiazines was calculated by use of nine software products. The values determined were discussed in terms of structure-lipophilicity relationships. The results indicate that chromatographic lipophilicity R M0 can be used as a measure of the lipophilicity of the azaphenothiazine derivatives investigated.
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Bibliogr. 20 poz., rys., tab.
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